I'm getting pic related when trying to go west through the junkyard in den, resulting in ctd.
EDIT: Same thing happens during the chemical church guard quest. Something's wrong with the residential part of den. Also the gauss rifle I had equipped was mysteriously spirited away.
EDIT, part deux: Can't open the dialogue window opening door in the slaver's camp west of den because "remaining slavers would hear me open the door" despite all the slavers in the area being long dead and forgotten. This one is really hurting.
The primitive tribe is still on the "neutral" despite completing all the available quests so far (assisting head hunter two times, getting shaman to send off ghost girl then getting him some herbs, getting firewood, repairing the well). From the villagers' dialogues it would seem that they accepted me though.
On the rocks in front of the destroyed lab binocular note says that blowing them up would grant me access, but the timed explosives don't seem to work and I can't target the rocks themselves. Is there some trick to it?
EDIT, part trois: Targeting the radscorpion in west modoc closes the game. Companions take care of it without a problem. No problem with targeting the plant. Same problem underground.
EDIT, part quatre: Broken hills, same problem as above - targeting the labscorpion closes the game. Same with the radscorpions in the mine.
EDIT, part cinq: Talking heads that change armor in the dialogue window are complete black after putting on enclave power armors.
EDIT, part six: Vault city raiders leave two sets of armor, and two different ones at times.
EDIT, part sept: Pvt Dobbs has Skynet's float messages. NCR cyberdog somehow got spirited away, doctor offered me the same quest (inject mystery cure into a supermutie) again.
EDIT, part huit: Destroyed lab, again the same problem with targetting radscorpions closing the game.
EDIT, part neuf: Lightsaber (gotten in the glow) doesn't work, attacks are not executed, no change in ap either. CORRECTION: Throwing attack works, cutting doesn't.
EDIT, part dix: Finished the helping the bos patrol quest but cannot get into the bunker:
[Without the access code, this elevator isn't taking you anywhere]
Cannot talk to Burke either. The "Paladin of Brotherhood" that gave me the quest only says hello in the float message.