UP and RP updates

So first install RPU and then download files using either one of the two links provided?

I updated the files with the new map fixes, so yeah grab the new files (same link). It's easier to just override the old dat file. The new dat file has fixes for the Jules critter found at the EPA. Can people check to see if the replicating computer at the EPA is working correctly!
I updated the files with the new map fixes, so yeah grab the new files (same link). It's easier to just override the old dat file. The new dat file has fixes for the Jules critter found at the EPA. Can people check to see if the replicating computer at the EPA is working correctly!
No lag now.

I used the resolution settings recommended by @Magnus. However you recommend 2x scaling above, how does that work? Any recommendations on how to get the best experience?
This is what I use.

This is what I use.

That looks waaaay too tiny and zoomed out on my laptop screen. I thought you wrote:

.Pixote said:
For the best look play the game with the 2x scaling on (get as close to the original resolution look as possible), playing the game at an ungodly resolution looks shit and Tim Cain will curse you.

e: However I can't change to graphics mode 2. It says I have 0.
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Make sure you don't enable sfall's DX9 mode in ddraw.ini if you want to use HRP's graphics modes.
My recommended fullscreen setup (assume your desktop resolution is 1920x1080):
  • Mode=6 in [Graphics] section in ddraw.ini.
  • SCR_WIDTH=960, SCR_HEIGHT=540, SCALE_2X=0 in f2_res.ini.
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Could RPU have something to do with addicts stopping in doorways in the Den? Weirdly I don't think I've ever had this happen before, but this playthrough I've been forced to gun down at least two addicts (thankfully, no one around cares). Seems unlikely to be the RPU, but literally nothing else has changed for me.

Edit to add: .Pixote., does the dat you uploaded include script changes for quests? I saw earlier in the thread that you would need someone to do that (specifically in reference to plants at the EPA), but if that got handled for those maps I'm happy to test them, particularly while I'm so early in a playthrough that restarting is trivial.

Edit2: Also, Pix, the NMA links in your sig are all dead for me; looks like the site might have changed formats since you saved them?
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Sounds like their pathing was messed up somehow but we will likely need to wait for pixote to know.
Could RPU have something to do with addicts stopping in doorways in the Den? Weirdly I don't think I've ever had this happen before, but this playthrough I've been forced to gun down at least two addicts (thankfully, no one around cares). Seems unlikely to be the RPU, but literally nothing else has changed for me.

Edit to add: .Pixote., does the dat you uploaded include script changes for quests? I saw earlier in the thread that you would need someone to do that (specifically in reference to plants at the EPA), but if that got handled for those maps I'm happy to test them, particularly while I'm so early in a playthrough that restarting is trivial.

Edit2: Also, Pix, the NMA links in your sig are all dead for me; looks like the site might have changed formats since you saved them?
Are you aware that you can push people around?
Edit to add: .Pixote., does the dat you uploaded include script changes for quests? I saw earlier in the thread that you would need someone to do that (specifically in reference to plants at the EPA), but if that got handled for those maps I'm happy to test them, particularly while I'm so early in a playthrough that restarting is trivial.

Edit2: Also, Pix, the NMA links in your sig are all dead for me; looks like the site might have changed formats since you saved them?

The plants at the EPA were ridiculous, 23 plants needed to die for the quest - it was too much, so they have reduced to 10 plants. The script changes are generally minor, just tweaks to lighting - the Sierra Army base needed some changes to make the animated force field work properly. The map fixes are just a cleanup and tidy up to make the experience better.

*My sigs died when the site was updated a few years back. The threads still exist.
The plants at the EPA were ridiculous, 23 plants needed to die for the quest - it was too much, so they have reduced to 10 plants. The script changes are generally minor, just tweaks to lighting - the Sierra Army base needed some changes to make the animated force field work properly. The map fixes are just a cleanup and tidy up to make the experience better.

Oh yeah, all the changes sounded good to me, I was just asking if the number of deaths needed for the quest and similar edits had been made to match the maps. It sounds like this is a yes, so I guess I'll install those and restart. I'll try to remember to report back; if I don't you can assume either I died or I was as impressed with your work as ever.

*My sigs died when the site was updated a few years back. The threads still exist.

Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were aware lol.

Are you aware that you can push people around?

That would be relevant if I were talking about a companion, but I'm not. Does some other mod add this to everybody, or is this just a common mistake you're making?

Edit to add: Huh, apparently the "push" icon does show up for a lot of (non-companion) NPCs you cannot push, though IDK whether that's from FO2, RP, or RPU; regardless, the (nonfunctional anyway) button does not appear for those particular NPCs ("addict" in the Den).
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That is a vanilla feature. You can only push non-companion NPCs towards a non-occupied hex in the direction away from you. It only works when they are standing still, not facing an obstacle of any kind (wall, another NPC blocking a doorway, etc) and not while random shuffling about. Standard Scenery NPCs don't have a dedicated wayfinding routine like companions have, and only move one hex at a time at random out of combat.
Yeah not to mention you need to be within semi close proximity of few hexes away for the push feature to work, and *sadly* at least in the vanilla when pushing den addicts too much while they were *high* may yeald later on that this npc will attack you on sight when he/she spots you. I know this used to seposedly be random, however i always blamed them beeing pushed around by me, this is considerably bad since getting to flick's *pawn* shop might be disrupted by den bums clogging up the doorway from both sides. i had this happen as well in Fo: Et Tu where an adytowner wanted to enter Zimmerman's building, and one of the regulators roaming around wanted to exit. this caused a situation where i had to superstimp the poor adytowner in order to be able to talk to Zimmerman.. this sucks big time.. I really hope someone fixes the roaming npc pathfinding in this game.
And Matt Drax claims they moove one hex at a time beeing related to push option, while roaming around town npcs can stroll for quite a while in certain areas notably the den as well.
I just exited the Temple of Trials and can't see any map changes in Arroyo. There are still pots. At what location do you think I will notice the difference?

Also item highlight don't seem to work. I'm pressing left alt.
Visit Klamath, and tell me if there's a difference! Places like Arroyo have subtle change, less grass and small rocks - the temple entrance is very different. If they look the same then you're not using the updated maps.
God damn I won't start over again. The Temple entrance looks very much the same.

I think I'm too stupid to get the new maps working.
The only difference I can spot is the column with the skull being closer to the temple entrance on my setup. In your screenshot it appears to be next to the guy.

Anyone know how I can troubleshot the item highlight? I got Fallout2Tweaks installed but don't use the expanded highlighting. I use sFall default. Shouldn't it be bound to alt or is it shift?
Sorry for double post!

Can you point to some changes in Klamath so that I can see whether I use the updated maps or not.
The only difference I can spot is the column with the skull being closer to the temple entrance on my setup. In your screenshot it appears to be next to the guy.

Anyone know how I can troubleshot the item highlight? I got Fallout2Tweaks installed but don't use the expanded highlighting. I use sFall default. Shouldn't it be bound to alt or is it shift?

It's shift by default, if you've messed with highlighting script from fo2tweaks You've probably disabled this by accident. the standard highlighting feature is in sfall-mods.ini and a script called gl_highligting.int in data\scripts, there are settings to enable highlighting in sfall-mods.ini to choose the key to highlight, chsck LoS and what get's highlighted.

fo2tweaks uses gl_g_highlighting.int.

the gl_highlighting.int is also partially responsible for [Combat Control] Mode=3 functionality.

there are some mods out there that screw up highlighting like the new standard crafting panel 0.94, the use of the crafting device causes highlighting to cease working on a given map forever, Highlighting works on other maps as long as You don't use the crafting device.