I more or less agree with the other posters above with some differences.
Yes, their helicopters, jets, and tanks are vastly inferior to ours. However, I wouldn't go laughing at their individual soldiers equiptment. The M60 was based off the MG42 and the design of the MG42, with a few improvements, is a very capable and effective weapon, many countries are still using varients of it to include Spain. I was also impressed at the motorcycles, simple dirt bikes would make an infantry or recon division very mobile and allow troops to still manuever independantly unlike APCs, making them very flexible strategically. I've always been intrigued by using motorcycles and dirt bikes for motorized brigades, hence my avatar of a german bike soldier's sketch of a fellow soldier.
I also noticed many of them were using the G3 battle rifle. It's a full size and weight 7.62 rifle that is very accurate and very reliable and powerful. Perfect for the desert, which the US hasn't figured out. Deserts tend to lead to longer range fighting where the 5.56 rifles used by our troops don't have the range or ballistics and accuracy to be effective. Not to mention 5.56 just sucks for damage, it's extremely frequent for soldiers to go on fighting even after a few hits from them.
Ultimately though, keep in mind, prior to the Gulf War Episode 1, Iraq had one of the largest standing armies, a very respectable (#4th in the world, I think? My memory may be faulty here though) air force, a decent navy, and was still decimated in no time. Their air force fell almost immediately, in the Gulf Episode 2, they didn't even bother using the air force they'd rebuilt. Instead they buried it. America has shown time and time again that they don't have a problem with standing armies, it's Guirrila tactics and insurgancies that are the difficulty.
America is not going to start another war any time soon. Our stockpile of bombs is only starting to recover from the depleted state it was left from our Shock and Awe campaign in Iraq and Afganistan. Our troops are stretched out too thinly. Morale is shit. Recruitment is down. The citizenry is pissed at the current president and his wars. Even if he wanted to start another war, congress wouldn't allow it (lets not start with republican bashing either. Even they are fed up with this nonsensical crusade, those that aren't still have reputations, re-elections, and the unpopularity of the current situation to deal with already without starting another bloody war.)
The Overseer said:
Clearly you didn't get the message. And it's not like they seem to be using that "military education" so well.
The US military is young and has spent a large part of it's existance preparing to deal with a cold war gone hot. They are very capable of dealing with a large fielded military in almost any enviroment. It has only begun retooling and rethinking it's strategies for dealing with policing actions and insurgencies. Keep in mind, beaurocracies move very slowly.
We can easily handle the Iranian Army, we would not be able to hang on to the region or be able to install any form of goverment. It takes a lot more manpower to take and hold ground than to shell, bomb, and gun an army out of existance.