US gets a challenge

Dumbass. Get irony.

And yeah, the press is a bitch, which is why war should have been avoided altogether.
Irony? Throwing out the word irony will not save your ass. Wearing a fucking Depeche Mode t-shirt doesn't make you ironic, it makes you a fucking ass.
Official warning: I'm starting to dislike this thread more and more. It's got one foot in the grave already. Who's going to put in the final nail? Not me.
The Overseer said:
Dumbass. Get irony.

Sorry...I couldn't hear the inflections in your voice. :tired:

Agreed, though. The press is filled with ignorant jerks. If you want to be a political, military, whatever analyst and have your own news show, you should have to have an advanced degree in the subject.
Those motorcycle units kind of remind me of the ones in command & conquer. Ah, the good old days.

To be honest, I don't think any single country in this world could match US's military. Atleast not without making an alliance with another powerful country. One way to defeat 'em would be to whip out the nukes, but then again, that would only cause MAD.
The motorcycle units are interesting, but they'd only be useful for recon. Mounted raiders armed with ranged weapons had their heyday a few hundred years ago.

And their air defense systems looked pathetic, so most of that artillery and secondhand Soviet MLRS stuff (along with thise fancy jets) would be blown to bits within the first few hours of a real war.

Fighting an army like this is exactly what the entire US military effort is geared towards (for better or for worse...).

Also, Overseer, you're backpedaling so hard I can smell the rubber burning.
Pajari said:
The motorcycle units are interesting, but they'd only be useful for recon. Mounted raiders armed with ranged weapons had their heyday a few hundred years ago.
Not true, in open terrain and a rough climate like that, it offers their infantry another way to move troops besides APCs while offering their unit more flexibility to manuever than an APC will. Our special forces use dirt bikes and ATVs from time to time to accomplish the same thing.