US Plans for Robot Troops In Iraq

Obviously the US is trying to find out the way to withdraw the troops and maintain Iraq under a democratic government at the same time. :)
If they can be built to understand voice commands stopping them is simple. Ask them a question with no answer like "What is the meaning of life?"

Not that they'd recognize that...only a few simple commands like stop, forward, or bring me pRon links online.

Anyone thinking about having a split-topic involving a "A.I. survival thread" like the "zombie survival guide" except this time with machines that think?

The Vault Dweller
The real reason they are doing this is for pure combat data. The robots are crap and will not stand up to any form of competent resistance. However almost all Iraqis who engage in firefights are pretty crap. Getting head shots on real fighting flesh blood simply gets far more accurate data then pretend stuff like laser tags.

ps. "What is the meaning of life?"
"Prime directive: Crush Puny Humans"
Nice idea, and it might actually work (well not in Iraq...) in reality. One of the major things would be stealth. I don?t think those robots are that strong against firepower, but if you can?t see them...well...

Aiming, well of course it?s better. Hell it?s a small tank with a gun! Stable? Of course not! Heheh.

One thing is certain, those who built em, must have had a laugh :) I mean which boy (yup, I?m a sexist) wouldn?t love to make a radiocontrolled robot that can blow shit up! Hell, I want one! Save the farms!

There is one bad thing about "stupid" robots. They can?t fix themselves. Usually robots don?t have spare parts, because they are heavy and they want to keep them light. One shot into a bad place and it?s a goner to the mission. Unless it carries a tactical nuke...hmm....self-destruction Predator style.

Battery life? Small nuclear plant in the arse, or something else?

Still...I like the idea...mechwarrior....x-com...oh yeah! Well I have to go now, I need to install a ballistic shield on my lawnmover.


Of course this is a live testrun. Everybody wins. Soldiers don?t die (marines), iraqis can run away from those metalthingies, or use them as target practise. When one of them says POP, they can scavenge parts and sell them to someone. Family got food. Everyone?s having fun :D

Marines get to play playstation and iraqis get to play realworld virtual reality game :D
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