DarkCorp said:
Why in teh world would the average joe care about us diplomats spying on other diplomats from other nations? Is the knowledge going to bring him more money or make his job better?
Funny is they are probably not even really "spying". Judging politicans of a different nation is usual buisness. Its not like Germany or France arent doing the same with US politicans. They all have friends or people they like to work with and you spend time talking with them happens to be sometimes about poltics. Some you like others you dont.
Its interesting that when it was released to the public many german people agreed with the diplomants and their opinion about the German politicans
Its hilarious. Because they are right.
34thcell said:
They've provided change already by publishing this material; that's the point; that we don't really know what happens in international politics and war. The average joe either has his senses deadened from constant rhetoric or finds some marginal view on an internet blog that is often ridiculous.
And wiki will not suddenly provide here much more because truth told, you dont get names. Not many. Its more about "someone said this about another nation" - "there are combat reports about this and that". But that are things we know already anyway. Guatanamo, Abu Grahib (or what its called) have been known long before Wikileaks existed really. And ? What happend to the people responsible for it. They hvae thrown some female officer in jail and a couple of others. But whats with the people that gave orders ? The generals behind it ? I would not be surprised if those today are in the senate or something.
Thing is, its not in wikileaks interest to call "names" because as soon they would do that you can bet it would be harsh times for them. Crazier things happend then "suddenly" dissapearing people.
On the other side, to simply have informations doesnt change anything. Remember. Vietnam. Iran. There have been many informations present later to the public. There. Go google it you will find tons of tons of information even NAMES in wikipedia. Just 20 years after it all happend. And ? Did it changed anything ? Have people questions their gouvernement after 9/11 ? Or before the attack on Afghanistan? What is now after we know that the nuclear weapon programm with the Iraq was probably the bigest hoax of this century created by the Bush administration ? Nothing. A bit of questioning maybe. But people still suported the war in general just like they did always.
As garlic said. The average goe or lidle jimy only cares if its entertaiment. And that counts for Europe just as it does for the US. By the way I think there are much more important questions then what wiki leaks is adressing. Like why the gouverments of this world havnt done what they promised with the Kyoto protocols. Or why both the US and China still are in a limbo about restrictions for polution everyone blaming the other instead of simply "doing" something.
or bauty contests with 5 year old children (which is prohibited here by the way), with an cosmetic industry behind it which is donig every year 4 billion dollars on the mental stability of children which are drilled by their parents for perfection and "wining" a rather useless contest.
Wiki leaks idea is nice. But I prefer more the usual Wikipedia as it seems like they have a much more realistic goal with making informations and most important educaiton accesable to everyone. Now Wiki will never replace a good university and many of its informations are more generic and sometimes questinable. But Wiki provides great sources. They name books, writers and artists which you can browse, buy and use to educate your self. And after all the real change can only happen with education. The french revolution was not caused over night. Same with the schisma of catholics and protestants. People learned to read and write. Change oppinions and think for them self eventually.