Using dogs as chick magnets banned in Saudi Arabia

I don't know what to say. Muslims can be weird, but in other hand, I think same of 100% Christian people who pray all the time and so on.

( I am atheist, so I basically don't give a flying shit about religious stuff anyway ( except if they affect to modern, western world, aka the so called 'MUSLIMS TAKING OVER'))
What a bunch of fucking nutcases.That would suck to be a religious fanatic, you never get to have any fun.But really, I'm not suprised considering its saudi arabia, that place is the mecca of islamic extremists.
Alright, I'll bite and pick the easiest one.

cronicler said:
The only relevant part in Quran says: (as close as i can give the meaning) "the most holy/pure clothing worn is the clothing worn during the worship."
This is largely interpreted as the clothing traditionaly worn during the Hac (Visiting the Mecca)

I understand the need to seem knowledgable but this is complete crap what you wrote there. That's one hell of a quote too. I'll give you a couple of other parts in Quran that are very much relevant to the whole clothing thing. It's a combination of verses that resulted in the islamic dress code we have today; not at all what you wrote. These are very well known and almost identically translated and interpreted Surahs (chapters).

Quran Surah 33, verse 59: "O prophet! tell thy wives and daughters and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over themselves(when abroad): that is most convenient that they should be known (as such) and not molested"

The word "Jalabeeb" is used for "garments". Jalbaab (singular) is a cloth that covers the whole body.

Quran Surah 24, verse 30: "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them"

Quran Surah 24, verse 31: "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof: that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their... (relatives)"

"Khumur" is used for "veil". Khimar (singular) is a scarf that women use to cover their heads.

There is no debate as to the meaning of these verses, especially because the wives of the muslim prophet Mohammad started to cover up this particular way when these verses were revealed to him. It's a part of the religion, whether you like it or not. Some people don't do it and some don't have a choice. Depends on the country.

the Hac (Visiting the Mecca)

Hajj = visiting the Mecca. Hac = acronym and stands for "Hot asian chick"

What i (and some) people think about this passage is completely diffrent; i belive that this passage means its your inner purpose, true clothing if you will, that counts for anything when you worship not some external silk robes.

What passage? Be kind enough to actually quote the book next time. What you put in quotation marks was nothing.

It is a sick world..........

(Although this will probably come a bit... lame?... I am not sure, i can give the full meaning of my thoughts in english without a wall of text)

It is more about disagreeing the general acceptance than trying to sound smart. The Quran as i feel/think should be taken into consideration with the era/place it was penned in. It is like the argument of spirit of the law/ The wording of the law. I am not an extremely educated man in the wording of the texts. I do not know Arabic so i could only read their traslations to Turkish.

I belive the religion I was raised in is being mis-used. I thought Religion was about person's inner goodness, his personal relationships with his fellow man. i thought it's aim was to make us good people.

For every 1 good person i see or meet, i see 5 or 10 so called religious man whose sole concern is getting a Mosque build (by his own firm). There are lots of them who act with the written rules but who will happly sell you worst grade workmanship just to pocket some more cash.

It is just that... there are a lot of "good" things that should be the focus but instead we are constantly being mired in some new ways of using the religion as a tool of manupulation/control.
I sometimes wonder how the world would be if we gave these people a space ark, or if we left ourselves, to colonize another planet.

A whole world for themselves to do what they want, no outsiders to question your nutty laws or out to 'destroy' your religion.

How long would it take before they turn on another.
cronicler said:
It is more about disagreeing the general acceptance than trying to sound smart. The Quran as i feel/think should be taken into consideration with the era/place it was penned in.

Well, there is no other legitimate way to interpret those verses so the general acceptance is the right one. It would make worship a lot easier if many verses could be taken as symbolic and non-literal but it doesn't make them so. You can be selective in your faith if you want to but don't knock Muslims who choose not to be. I'm not talking about fanatics or those who use religious texts to justify some acts; I'm talking about those who follow religion closely and faithfully. The verses are plain and simple and you can either follow them or not, depending on how dedicated you are.

It is like the argument of spirit of the law/ The wording of the law. I am not an extremely educated man in the wording of the texts. I do not know Arabic so i could only read their traslations to Turkish.

Well you claimed to know the Quran and you omitted some very important verses that have a lot more to do with the subject at hand than the one you "quoted". Turkish or any translation has the verses that I brought up too, I assure you. Every translation of a verse in Quran, if could be understood differently, provides an explanation box as well.

I belive the religion I was raised in is being mis-used.

Every religion is, was, and will always be misused.

For every 1 good person i see or meet, i see 5 or 10 so called religious man whose sole concern is getting a Mosque build (by his own firm). There are lots of them who act with the written rules but who will happly sell you worst grade workmanship just to pocket some more cash.

There are people like that in any religion, not just Islam. Islam is perfect, Muslims are not.

It is just that... there are a lot of "good" things that should be the focus but instead we are constantly being mired in some new ways of using the religion as a tool of manupulation/control.

There ARE a lot of good things that are the focus. The problem is that wherever you look, you see something negative about Islam. Whenever Islam is mentioned nowadays, it's always something bad. If some Muslim does something negative, you better believe that everyone will be informed that he is Muslim. If someone sees a verse from Quran that says to kill infidels, you better believe it will be brought to everyone's attention out of context and with complete lack or will of understanding. I've known some horrible Muslim people and a lot of Muslim politicians are pieces of crap but they don't write Islamic laws and have nothing to do with what Islam is about. I know just as many non-Muslims who the world would be much better off without. I'm not saying that I'm a great person or a good Muslim either but don't make the mistake of thinking that there aren't many.