Alright, I'll bite and pick the easiest one.
cronicler said:
The only relevant part in Quran says: (as close as i can give the meaning) "the most holy/pure clothing worn is the clothing worn during the worship."
This is largely interpreted as the clothing traditionaly worn during the Hac (Visiting the Mecca)
I understand the need to seem knowledgable but this is complete crap what you wrote there. That's one hell of a quote too. I'll give you a couple of other parts in Quran that are very much relevant to the whole clothing thing. It's a combination of verses that resulted in the islamic dress code we have today; not
at all what you wrote. These are very well known and almost identically translated and interpreted Surahs (chapters).
Quran Surah 33, verse 59: "O prophet! tell thy wives and daughters and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over themselves(when abroad): that is most convenient that they should be known (as such) and not molested"
The word "Jalabeeb" is used for "garments". Jalbaab (singular) is a cloth that covers the whole body.
Quran Surah 24, verse 30: "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them"
Quran Surah 24, verse 31: "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof: that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their... (relatives)"
"Khumur" is used for "veil". Khimar (singular) is a scarf that women use to cover their heads.
There is no debate as to the meaning of these verses, especially because the wives of the muslim prophet Mohammad started to cover up this particular way when these verses were revealed to him. It's a part of the religion, whether you like it or not. Some people don't do it and some don't have a choice. Depends on the country.
the Hac (Visiting the Mecca)
Hajj = visiting the Mecca. Hac = acronym and stands for "Hot asian chick"
What i (and some) people think about this passage is completely diffrent; i belive that this passage means its your inner purpose, true clothing if you will, that counts for anything when you worship not some external silk robes.
What passage? Be kind enough to actually quote the book next time. What you put in quotation marks was nothing.
It is a sick world..........