Van Buren content used in new games


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Sorry if it's been mentioned before, but I am curious as to what content from Van Buren has been used by Bethesda in F3 and Obsidian in New Vegas. I know that Obsidian used a ton of VB ideas in NV, but what about Bethesda? What did they use in their F3?

A list of sorts would be nice for both cases, if anybody has the time.

Anyway, it's something to discuss, I think.
Hm, I don't remember reading about any VB materials being used in FO3, mostly rehashed settings/characters/factions from FO1 and 2. I might be wrong though-- probably someone like Ausir would know.
I remember reading about Beth using some ideas, but I don't remember which are those.
Fallout 3 used more BoS(2) stuff, if I remember correct.

Except the chinese Hei Gui stealth suit, they didn't used much VB stuff. Fallout 3 was set on the east coast anyway, far away from VB's world.
Yeah, the Hei Gui Chinese stealth armor is the most notable part. They also used JE Sawyer's Enclave logo.
In New Vegas they use a lot I noticed:-
-New Canaan and the Mormons are made canon
-The NCR/BoS war
-Joshua Graham being turned into the burned man
-Quite a lot of Followers of the Apocalypse stuff
-Errrrm, can't think of anymore

But yeah I don't know that many VB references in FO3 except for the stealth armour and the BoS stuff.
There is no connection except the name. And the monsters itself are taken out like 1:1 of the first Riddick game.
As for Fallout 3, I believe Harold turning into a tree in the Oasis was taken from a Van Buren plotline.

Which is kind of a shame. Out of everything they could have used, they have to dump on poor old Harold?
Actualy i nVan Buren Harold was actualy the source of the cure for the New Plague, Bob gets ill and it also affects Harold, so he makes a pilgremage to The Nursery and he is cured and Bob produces a fruit that can cure the New Plague.