Van Buren Lives? NOTE: Old April Fools Joke

I'd just seen through some other April Fool shit on some of my Rugby sites, but I just wanted to believe this and had to check the thread to make sure.

What is sad...I read about VB 4 for Fallout 4 and will NEVER happen anyway. The April Fools only RELIEVED me...I won't have to watch FO4 go down the tubes over the course of a 10 year development process.
First I saw the post and nearly crapped my pants, but then something inside of me *pinged*. OOH I GOT A LEVEL!

Wait, no. Not a level. Then I checked the date. April 1st.


Dark Legacy
I didn't even remember it was April 1st and even then I knew it was a joke. Fallout 4, when FO3 isn't even close to being out? Come on, guys. That's a weak one to fall for. We at least have to make April Fools' pranksters have to work to get us, this one was weak. It was like Exitium and the rest didn't even try. They seemed to know all they had to do was mentioned 'Van Buren!11!1" and everyone would fall all over themselves. :lol:

Funny to read everyone's reaction, though. Especially when Exitium tried to defend it as the truth over at RPGCodex for a bit.
This is suckiest bunch of suck I ever did suck! I've been reading the news and forums on this site for years (honestly) and this is the first time I've ever felt compelled to post. I love this site, but now I hate you all! :evil:

Grrrr, I hate April Fool's Day. When I got up this morning, my fiance said she didn't love me anymore and then she said April Fools, and I was like, "Hey, that is a totally uncool thing to joke about". I didn't realize however that the worst joke was yet to come. I'm going back to bed and I'm not coming out again until tomorrow, when it's no longer joke day!
I think this is true and now I looked for fo4 wich will be designed by obsidian

Our favourite adimns didn't do that really stupid joke isn't it
if this would be true they will be regret moment when they were borned:)
Golden Brown said:
When I got up this morning, my fiance said she didn't love me anymore and then she said April Fools
Maybe she was fooling you that it was an April fool's joke.

Is all your stuff in a burning pile in the street?

Anyway. I half fell for this because I am somewhat drunk and forgot to engage Mr. Brain. But I was not too upset because I also forgot to engage Mrs Emotion.

Yay for alcohol!
Yes it was an aprils fools joke, as you can see even I fell for it. Good fun!
Well, she came home tonight, so if she were joking, she's taking it a bit further...

Seriously though, was anybody else offended when they read on the "other site" that "even NMA fell for it"?

I was, because, this is the source, man, this is the fountain of all that is true...

(I use too many commas)
Golden Brown said:
Seriously though, was anybody else offended when they read on the "other site" that "even NMA fell for it"?

Nope, it's all in good fun.
Aw hell. I forgot it was April 1 when I read this earlier today...damn it, serves me right for using the web on this crappy day. I'm too gullible and optimistic :( I actually believed this for the past 8 hours.

Edit: The only thing that tipped me off, too, was checking Bluesnews one more time before going to bed. I would have believed this for the next week :(
Argh. My jaw literally dropped when I saw that. I hate April fools news items 2 days after the 1st.
Y'know, the thread was posted on April 1st (GMT) and the last post was on April 2nd (GMT) until you came along on April 4th (GMT) and complained.

'tard. :P