Is here somebody invoking small n' modest Lizard's comment? Or am I gettin' blind?
Lets say BGE's slightly inspired by Van Buren. Somewhere in 2006 I grabbed those great DDs and learned for professionals in their, I'd say, best performance, that saved me X years of experience during X months, and seemed to me even more cool that rest of modders just incredibly ignored this fucking treasure. IIRC, modding forums was much more spammy and cramfull of stupid wet ideas in those days, not hardworking, not dynamic like nowadays.
Some kind of strange SPOILERS comes in now, maybe... or probably... In other words, I almost took up Burham Springs and some crazy but great CNPCs, and get more or less inspired by Nursery, Boulder Dome, Denver, Hoover Dam, Reservation... Some deuces of BGE and VB were just a coincidences, like train or rough nature of some areas or even some names, some were on the edge, and everything in BGE get changed for a million times, above all. So, we'll see how many legal proceedings we acquire after the presumed release, hehe.
Can't say now how much might we stand in a way of eventual VB revival project, but being back in 2006, I'd do the same again, because this is one of the best things that for BGE even happened. Roughly said, it showed us how to be more cool, more innovative and less FO1/2-repeating. Not talking about the fact the project has finally seen a real DDs and some (epic) art requirements plans which's realising cost me a shitloads of time, bitching and manpower.
But again, VB revival is, well, not directly unreal, but very hardly doable. By far not only because areas like Denver or Boulder Dome would cause our good old crappy engine a fucking heart attack - common VB's complexity, size and depth is most probably still much more crazy than most of the "common", 100-hundred-years-made TCs. Just browse all area endings in those DDs, or list of quests.
Cheerful Lizard out.