Van Helsing

Kharn said:
This is not an error. It's logically inconsistent. It makes no *sense* for a couple of people to endure hardships living on a mountain maintaining a beacon that hasn't been lit for ages.

would you get off the goddamn signal fires??!!
It reminds me a lot of Castlevania, so that alone peaks my interest. Even a movie as horrible as Resident Evil kept me entertained, just due to the fact that I was familiar with the game. I am known to many as "the shitty critic" however, I like almost any movie I see.
whenever kharn starts on those signal fires I imagine that holy grail bit where they go on about coconuts finding their way to england.
That's what killed Brotherhood of the Wolf for me. Karate KickAss 19th Century Biologists.

Poop. Yes, the movie industry doesn't have enough contemporary characters to assrape so it now it has to turn to the past century.