Various Bits

The "Fallouty" font was created by Red! according to its copyright. Am I right assuming JH_Fallout is the one from the game then?
From Red! ashmo? That`s funny! :)

The three fonts were used on the demo.

Oracle i only have a few more sketches, that Odin thought were redundant, and a few more pics from the demo, like kumquatq3, the man that finds everything (he`s brilliant, the real Van Buren spy :) ). I don`t even know where Odin got the full docs, i have a few bits and pieces but nothing like 6 docs. I can get the wav sounds from the demo, but they were mostly taken from the previous games and from temp things taken from their archives, so it`s not very interesting for modders. We will all get the demo, in the moment Interplay is shut down (even more...) or when the former devs say it`s ok.
JH_Fallout (c) 2002 Joiro Hatagaya. All rights reserved.
Fallouty (c) Sébastien Caisse (Red!) 2002. All rights reserved.
Gothic 821 Condensed BT (c) 1990-1993 Bitstream Inc. All rights reserved.

That's what the info on the TTF files reads.
My impression of the character gen screen is that it's fake. I mean, it sure looks fake. It just seems odd to me that any game company would have a screen shot of a half finished screen. My vote is that the character gen screen is doctored and fake.

Sebastian_of_the_Wastes said:
My impression of the character gen screen is that it's fake. I mean, it sure looks fake. It just seems odd to me that any game company would have a screen shot of a half finished screen. My vote is that the character gen screen is doctored and fake.


well, some of these screen shots were probably never meant to be leaked and were used for internal purposes for feedback

and it could be fake, but a lot fo in-progress shots for email and meetings are common in ANY form of software development
Sebastian_of_the_Wastes said:
My impression of the character gen screen is that it's fake. I mean, it sure looks fake. It just seems odd to me that any game company would have a screen shot of a half finished screen. My vote is that the character gen screen is doctored and fake.

It's not fake. It does on the other hand contain placeholders and things that might not have made it into the finished product. If you check the backlogs you may find an old Van Buren multiplayer interface screen which contained various placeholder graphics nicked from earlier Fallout games. There is nothing odd about this.
Sebastian_of_the_Wastes said:
My impression of the character gen screen is that it's fake. I mean, it sure looks fake. It just seems odd to me that any game company would have a screen shot of a half finished screen. My vote is that the character gen screen is doctored and fake.


Hmmm let me guess you haven`t been around here for long have you?
08 Sep 2005 - The pack of skittles on my desk has logged more time here than he has.
Hey, it's just an opinion. :D

But I see your point; I suppose it could be a screenshot someone dug up that was never meant to be seen by us in the first place.

I suppose it's easier to deny its validity then accept that I will never see Van Buren completed. I don't know what to think about Bethesda holding the fate of the Fallout series in its hands. I don't think any game that comes out from another team can ever really meet our expectations of what made the first two great.
Sebastian of the Wastes said:
My impression of the character gen screen is that it's fake. I mean, it sure looks fake. It just seems odd to me that any game company would have a screen shot of a half finished screen. My vote is that the character gen screen is doctored and fake.


I don't think its fake. It looks very close to the character gen screen in the Fallout 3 demo.
Whoa! Is it genuine or did you paste a 3D model there? :>

Teh nipples! Man, this game would've sold!