PsychoSniper said:I found the hunting riffle in V15!
Ok, heres where it is.
The bottom left room on level 2.
Look in the bathroom in that room.
Its in the corner of the bathroom stall.
And I figured out why I couldn't find it before, I wasn't watching the scrolling text...
I found the rifle, but I can't pick it up, and I can't see it on the screen. For some reason, it does not highlight when the cursor goes over it. The only reason I know the cursor is pointing at it is because the text screen says: "You see: hunting rifle" I can click the mouse button until it breaks, but the character will not pick it up.
I have had this happen before, trying to pick up Decker's throwing knives after killing him. With those, I can see them on the floor, and the scrolling text tells me I see them, but they do not highlight and the character will not pick them up.
I've tried reinstall, but it still doesn't happen...