Various stuff (not *fan* art, but still art-stuff :D)


Keeper of the trout
Conceptual art, going alongside my novel projects (half a million words, 2000 pages, seven volumes of dark comical sci-fi)*

one of the protagonists


the main protagonist
both were made on ms paint. i created a whole series of these, which required me to also make "base" models, which were nekkid, and very interesting to make :D
visual descriptions are largely avoided in writing, so these concepts look like these mostly in my mind, and not so much 'on paper'.



i made a whole "map" of these, also on ms paint.


quick "funny pic", parodying fascist rants i encountered once, especially a guy repeating "survival of the strongest"



two of plenty of "color themes" i make with ms paint.

Paleoart (or "Palaeontography")

Patagosaurus fariasi


Archaeopteryx litographica


Oranosaurus nigeriensis river crossing scene
ive made thousands of these (pencil obviously), but being a fanatic perfectionist, i dislike 99,999% of them, regarding them as dated (and therefore terrible :D)

Lately i have been missing hand-drawing more and more, and i am envisioning some concept drawings (related to my novel characters and scenarios) on A2 papers i havent used since i was like 10

*i have two related short stories translated to english (tedious and painful endevour i will not repeat), if there is any interest in giving them a check :]

**any "favorite genre", lemme know, and ill post a few more of them. i didnt wanna swamp yall right away :]
The red and black one, do you have a bigger version of it I would love to have it as a desktop back ground.
muff, im sorry but these are original sizes. being pixelart i have to stop myself from making them too big, because they wear me out, and i end up giving up long before theyre done.
thanx for the compliment tho :]

atomkilla, thank you :] i have avoided more complex programs for a long while. as a teen i did try to get used to "paint shop pro", but these programs developed so fast, and i felt like i was too far behind to ever catch up, so since then ive just stuck w the basics :D


forgot to throw this one in
comic strip, ive always loved strips and graphic novels alike:
zegh8578 said:
atomkilla, thank you :] i have avoided more complex programs for a long while

I honestly don't think I've ever seen better MS Paint people done so detailed, aside from some "payed" stuff, maybe.
I've seen some awesome renders or things drawn on paper, and then just colored or redone a bit in MS Paint, but full work? Nope, never.

Keep up the awesome work, man.
thanx a lot

it really isnt very difficult, as you may know paint is a very basic program, i mainly only ever use the line tool and color-fill. they key is to simply be very, very patient :D

some more mspaint
gun concepts:

red head protagonist again:

and again:

this is the first one i did of her. i am still unhappy about the hair.
for this one i worked in "layers", but still on ms-paint - as in, i drew the chick, the rock, and the background sky separately, and then pasted them together.

you can also notice the un-sexy functionality of her suit, in both this one, and the (most recent) one far up top, in the improvised armor, avoiding the "boob armor" and such details ive never found very convincing :D
Great stuff. I like pretty much everything you've been showing so far,
put I have to say that the guns made in MS Paint (especially that last batch)
just look friggin' great.


The first characters look too lifeless, too static, though, which I reckon is due
to it being pixelart. Don't like those even though they look good
(if you know what I mean).
alec said:
Great stuff. I like pretty much everything you've been showing so far,
put I have to say that the guns made in MS Paint (especially that last batch)
just look friggin' great.


The first characters look too lifeless, too static, though, which I reckon is due
to it being pixelart. Don't like those even though they look good
(if you know what I mean).

the top characters are "not meant" for public showing, and they are very mannequin-ish, every character has the exact same pose, which - by definition - makes them nothing but static ;D
like often, i tend to put a lot of effort into stuff i intend to keep to myself, but then figure ill show off anyway :D

but thank you for the compliments :]


this one im both happy and unhappy with. the thumb-hole ended up rather small in retrospect, and the slightest imperfection totally pisses me off :D i could just remove that piece of plastic obstructing there, im not even sure why i added it :scratch: but i tend to never-touch-again a project i deem finished. so lazy
this is also a "concept", since in my writings i will conciously only give off hints of descriptions, like "a push in the right direction", for then to allow the reader to imagine the rest.
most service rifles i will simply refer to as "compact rifle", and in my mind, im still not entirely sure what i imagine, so i keep trying to draw it up.