Vault 13 Overseer's voice actor died


But best title ever!
Chances are, if you are on this website and you are not deaf, you heard his voice at least once, but Vault 13 Overseer's voice actor Kenneth Mars died at the age of 75, this 12th February.

Aside from his role in Fallout, Kenneth Mars was also known for starring in several Mel Brooks movies such as Young Frankenstein and the original The Producers.

This is the second death of a voice actor involved in Fallout, after that of Tony Jay (the Lieutenant, or Lou Tenant, in Fallout and the narrator and Attis the Super Mutant in.. you know what, that game doesn't exist anyway).

Thanks Ausir.
Rest in Peace, Kenneth.
Always thought his voice was really powerful after watching Little Mermaid for the first time as a kid.
Damn, another iconic voice of Fallout gone.
And in an awful way to.

He really played that crazy Nazi in The Producers well.

childhood crushed*
I had no idea he was in all these movies, normally I'm really good and picking up on voice actors. :cry:
Ouch , nasty disease . But hey he lived a long and a good life , and he was in Fallout kinda so that's a huge plus .
Rest in Peace i guess .
BTW, is it me or is the music in the background of the Overseer intro a track not available as part of any sountrack? Same as the tanker music from FO2. Wonder if Morgan still has these somewhere.
I always thought Overseer was voiced by the guy who did the voice in Up! My mistake.

RIP, real overseer voice guy.
Ausir said:
BTW, is it me or is the music in the background of the Overseer intro a track not available as part of any sountrack? Same as the tanker music from FO2. Wonder if Morgan still has these somewhere.

Yeah, it's an unused track. I tried to rip it out the games files, but it's only there underlying the video. Tried to email Mr. Morgan about it, but forgot about it later. :P Is there any chance you could do something for that? Because it really sounds nice.

And yes, a shame that the man died, especially in such a way. :(
Rest In Peace.