Vault Tec Workshop


First time out of the vault
So one of the new DLC allows you to make your own vault. Curious what you guys are thinking? Personally, I think that it makes literally no sense whatsoever, that the PC is able to build a massive underground bunker built to survive a nuclear holocaust using nothing but wasteland materials. The ability to experiment on Dwellers could be interesting, but it seems they have just thrown any sense of logic and realism out the window in order to make Fallout Shelter in Fallout 4.
First of all, you can see in the clip the built example's in the Mechanist's Lair. We can't build these things underground, only on the surface. Secondly, doesn't the Vault tile set already exist in the form of a mod? And lastly, the idea of being a dick by means of sadistic Vault experiments gives me bad flashbacks to the build an arena and pit your poor settlers against each other for no good reason. Not a fan of this one.
First of all, you can see in the clip the built example's in the Mechanist's Lair. We can't build these things underground, only on the surface. Secondly, doesn't the Vault tile set already exist in the form of a mod? And lastly, the idea of being a dick by means of sadistic Vault experiments gives me bad flashbacks to the build an arena and pit your poor settlers against each other for no good reason. Not a fan of this one.
Yeah, I think Homemaker already had Vault/Bunker tiles.
This DLC is complete bollocks.
Bethesda, I knew that you like to rip off modders, but this shit is fucking ridiculous. Too far this time Beth, too far.
They're not since in EULA it's written black-on-white that Zenimax can use any ideas you create. No royalties too. Bethesda works the same way with modders as with bought franchises.

Yeah, now I feel angry at modders for touching beth's piece o' shit games since TES3.
I guess Fallout Shelter wasn't enough.
Fallout Shelter is miles away from this stiff mechanic mess. I say that because mods allowing building vaults are already released prior to this 'announce' and they really show how well it is executed.
They're not since in EULA it's written black-on-white that Zenimax can use any ideas you create. No royalties too. Bethesda works the same way with modders as with bought franchises.
They're not what?, Are you saying there not ripping off the mods?, Because if so, I'd disagree that a technicality about Zenimax makes it any more ok.
They're not what?
Zenimax and bethesda owns the user created content so they think they're not only not ripping off of mods but that the modders should be thankful for being able to work ont their Gamebryo-plagued trash. Yeah.
These types of DLC are probably very cost-efficient for Bethesda. It's just paid mods - no writing, dialogue, or actual RPG making involved.

Modders fix Beth games and now they're actually making the games LOL
I wonder if they'd actually stoop so low as to actually copy stuff from existing mods.
Like, a certain mod has a rare, quirky bug that got fixed in the latest version, but suddenly some sort of Wasteland Contraption DLC thingy made by Bethesda that is the exact same thing but with an official coating has the exact same quirky bug. That would be hilarious, and their death.

Wait... Is this actually just Fallout shelter? ... picture from the steam page for the DLC.
These "DLCs" Have got to be the biggest fuck you to fans i've ever seen. Holy shit, I've seen better EA marketing schemes that are more pro consumer friendly than some of the shit bethesda is doing. "Hey y'all just by 30+ season pass and get a few settlement building DLC and two shitty 2-4 hour long quest mods" You have to be embarrassed as fuck to present that out on stage. I know my company would never produce something so pointless/outrageous. I wouldn't have dipshits like Pete Hines working as PR talking about how "Dialogue in a RPG isn't important" Jesus this franchisee is a joke now, a living meme to make fun of. If DayZ Standalone didn't exist i honestly call this game the biggest creative disastrous in recent years.
Wait... Is this actually just Fallout shelter? ... picture from the steam page for the DLC.
No, don't be absurd. Fallout Shelter was underground. This, as you can clearly see, is much worse, because it is about building an underground fallout shelter above ground. From scrap. That's some hardcore architectural genius.

EDIT: Alright, I stand corrected. It is underground. So no. No difference.
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Fallout Shelter was designed to work for Fallout Shelter though. Imagine the path-finding, NPC's bumping into one another, not being able to control where the fuck they go et cetera. This looks awful. Just awful. It looks like a mod someone made as a goof.

Not to mention settlers spawning outside the vault, or clipping right through the walls.
Sooooooooooooooo I just noticed something in the trailer.

You know that quest for some ghoul chick to go through some underground passage by using a custom eyebot that sends out some sort of signal that turns rock to dust? (least I think it was that quest)

Remember how it was vital to the plan that you need that eyebot to even get to where you needed to go?

Well... I just noticed how in the Vault trailer the player is able to scrap a huge bit of rock that is in the way to unlock more passages by using Work Mode.

Did Bethesda just retcon themselves?
Sooooooooooooooo I just noticed something in the trailer.

You know that quest for some ghoul chick to go through some underground passage by using a custom eyebot that sends out some sort of signal that turns rock to dust? (least I think it was that quest)

Remember how it was vital to the plan that you need that eyebot to even get to where you needed to go?

Well... I just noticed how in the Vault trailer the player is able to scrap a huge bit of rock that is in the way to unlock more passages by using Work Mode.

Did Bethesda just retcon themselves?

It just works, mhhmmkay?