Vic's House

First of all: I'm really impressed. This is some good 3D modelling or whatever it's called. I like what you did to the front of the house, the pipe sticking out of the ground, connected to the shack. Great. It's not an exact copy of Vic's shack, but one can still recognize it immediately.

Well, let me know if you guys think I should alter anything...

However, I still think you should do something about the door leading to the backroom. You painted that door green and it just doesn't fit the rest of the colours. Make it brown like it originally was. Trust me: it'll look a whole lot better. My two cents.
Yes, I see what you mean. I have the screenshot of Vic's House also open, and indeed, the door is brown. Well, when I did the door (in the very beginning) I didn't really know how to alter the actual color of a material with a certain diffuse map... but I found out how (just check the front wall, it's the same texture as some other places, only lighter) so I will change it right now.

And I'm gonna start modelling the cardboard boxes scattered throughout the place.

Edit: here ya go alec:

2nd edit: I made a shot with the view practically the same as Fallouts... I hope. I finished the cardboard boxes and the chair. Unfortunately I already shut down 3dsMax and I didn't take a render of the chair... and also youtube refuses to upload the video I made correctly, but anyhoo, here's the picture:

Edit³: well, here's the interior of the building. I'm going on a short holiday today, so I won't be able to work at it for a while.

And here's a picture of the house with the Fallout screenshot as background. It's quite hard to get it aligned properly...
Thanks for all the positive comment guys.

And yeah, I know the angle is a bit off. But last thursday I had like a job interview for my new education, and it's about 3d modelling and stuff, so just that I could show something I quickly threw in the building. After that I went on holiday immediately so I didn't have much time to perfect it. But I'll get on it.

Right after I finished the rest of the interior... and the roof...

Why doesn't Vic just sleep in a cardboard box...
Im still waiting for the junk and the boxes... i really like your work, but, can you post a new pic? i`d like to see how it goes

Morpoggel said:
Why doesn't Vic just sleep in a cardboard box...

Because he`s FAT, smart but FAT

EDIT: - do not double post - So says Suffer
The boxes are already in there... plus I'm currently uploading a 40 second video where I show the house from the inside. It's kinda big so it'll take a while. I'll post the link once it's there.

Anyhoo, my vacation is over so I've got less time to work on it... otherwise I'd be working on it right now.
Morpoggel said:
... plus I'm currently uploading a 40 second video where I show the house from the inside. It's kinda big so it'll take a while. I'll post the link once it's there.

Video! Wow! I like videos! )))
That will be rerally COOL!
Yeah, I've uploaded it to youtube... but for some reason it just stays black... I should send them an email about that... I'll let you guys know how it ends.