Video Game Media previews Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
A short Fallout 3 preview.<blockquote>Character creation is a feature that seems to improve as more companies continue to enhance it. Bethesda was able to take it to a whole new level in Oblivion by allowing you to customize almost every aspect of your character, ranging from the shape of your nose, cheeks, and mouth to even your age. This time Fallout 3 will feature a new way of character creation that will be a first in games. Creating your character will literally start from birth. A hazy cinematic sequence will start with a perspective from the operating table as you are being born from your mother. This is where you will choose your character’s gender and name.</blockquote>Link: Fallout 3 preview on VGM.
Pretty sure Mount and Blade, an indy game developed by a husband and wife team managed to do that customization of character thing at least 3 years ago.
And Fable's beginning? A first in games! Hahaha. That's rich.

Sure, it's the best-looking dressed-up tutorial in gaming--but I don't think it's a first. Props to Nexus6 for thinking up Sims before I could.

No one plays the tutorial twice.
What I'd love to know is how they are making this supposed revolutionary step forward in character creation, when all of those character details are completely inconsequential.

They've already stated that there won't be much of a difference if you play as a man or a woman, so what the hell does nose and cheek shape have to do with anything and why should we care?

And what about age?!!?

They're already shoehorning the player into a very sequential startup sequence where they'll play out their "childhood", but after that are we just supposed to be sooo immersed that we don't notice that our age changes drastically to whatever useless value we've chosen?

What happens if you choose an age like 35 years old?

That question brings us back to an earlier question about the gaping hole in the plot that we've heard so far..

Why do I have to "role play" that I want to find my father? (and how do they make his scripted actions realistic or immersive, or even partially convincing if I choose to make him ancient by setting my own age as high as it will go? an old dude would die in the wastes.)
whirlingdervish said:
What happens if you choose an age like 35 years old?

You can't. You're 19.

Besides, the originals didn't have any age differentials.

And I should note that the whole character creation thing is a part of the whole "immersive" experience. That's its inconsequential gameplay wise doesn't have any impact on that.
Brother None said:
whirlingdervish said:
What happens if you choose an age like 35 years old?

You can't. You're 19.

Besides, the originals didn't have any age differentials.
An area open to improvement and one that has been determined to be inconsequential and thus the ability to determine age was removed. It's a pity, it would have been a great way to add more variation.

The story revolves around Vault 101, a safe-house for individuals who apparently have survived a global atomic war that ravaged the U.S. in 2077.
Is it just me or does this sound like it was made or used by people who survived the war rather than as an experment during the war which also protected those inside from the war? Basically it sounds like a post-war protective facility instead of one made durning the war which, in addition to it's experimental purpose, was intended to protect people from nuclear attack.

Bethesda doesn’t want to clutter up the interface and block your view from important areas or from gazing at the ravaged Wasteland.
This just kind of appeared out of nowhere, the paragraph before it discusses Dogmeat and the following sentence is about dialogue. I'm hoping this means that there's no quest compass but it sounds like they are trying to do a minimalist HUD but considering that we've heard about some sort of radar... At the same time it could simply mean that they aren't throwing on any asthetic junk for the sake of it but I consider that the norm so I don't see the point. It's just a very confusing sentence and I have no idea what the point of it is.
whirlingdervish kinnda right, i mena in the first game youre kinda kicked out to search for the watership, and in the second youre have to save youre vilage, but here youre father leaves and what if i as a player dont want to really leave the vault?
Egis said:
whirlingdervish kinnda right, i mena in the first game youre kinda kicked out to search for the watership, and in the second youre have to save youre vilage, but here youre father leaves and what if i as a player dont want to really leave the vault?

You're get visions a la Hakunin in Fallout 2?

Father "[insert gender here], you must come save me."
Video Game Media said:
allowing you to customize almost every aspect of your character, ranging from the shape of your nose, cheeks, and mouth to even your age.

so BN, should we assume that part is just the product of an overzealous fanboy writer making shit up that sounds cool?

I'm pretty sure I've seen the "19 year old" bit of info before, now that you mention it.

on a side note to everyone, is it just me or is it starting to seem like the only choices and consequences we're going to see are "buy the game and suffer dissapointment" or "don't buy the game and be happy that you didn't throw away money" and possibly "roleplay that you're a mudcrab, because it's more fun than this mediocre game"?

FeelTheRads said:
so what the hell does nose and cheek shape have to do with anything and why should we care?


Bethesdarians are awesome.

Example... ( Vault dweller was hit 1000 points in the eye...)

That eye is gonna look like your eye (or whatever eye you made..)

It will be more personal... seeing your characters face and cheeks everywhere...

And when your talking.. you be like (hey that guy looks so cool His cheeks look just like mine in HDTV!!!!) hahaha

I guess that explains it..?
The irony is that with every announcement that alienates Fallout fans, we at NMA get better at role-playing the lowest common console denominator.
whirlingdervish said:
Video Game Media said:
allowing you to customize almost every aspect of your character, ranging from the shape of your nose, cheeks, and mouth to even your age.

so BN, should we assume that part is just the product of an overzealous fanboy writer making shit up that sounds cool?

Nope, the writer is correct, you need to read more carefully. The full line reads:
Bethesda was able to take it to a whole new level in Oblivion by allowing you to customize almost every aspect of your character, ranging from the shape of your nose, cheeks, and mouth to even your age.
aaaah! thx.

It seems that I tend to skim over anything that mentions Oblivion. ;)

I didn't even realize they were drawing a comparison between the two till I re-read it and realized it wasn't more of the same old "it was great in Oblivion so Fallout 3 will be awesome" stuff.
PCF FO3 Preview

Preview for FO3 from PCFUK. I have to say it is looking good. I just hope they deliver on their VATS mechanic. I'm willing to try something new, I just hope it isn't an FPS with a twist...

Preview on Fracknaps here:


New dialogue screen?

It gives me the impression that this geezer is one of the recruitable NPCs.

Also is this the first real indication of dialogue we've seen? It seems much more in depth than Oblivion's yes no answers ...