CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud
Shame that the Shadow mission only allows you to kill your opponents and not apprehend them like a superhero. I think with a better dialogue system and proper design, that quest could have been better.
Values Dissonance was an issue there because you were the Shadow not Batman and the Shadow did kill his opponents. He was also pretty much out of focus by the 1950s since that was when Superman had his own television show.
As for killing Kellogg, the only emotion I recall my character ever emoting was anger. That was it. The player should have been allowed to dictate the level of anger they had at that point (like have it lessen as the SS learns that Kellogg was merely following orders or restraining their anger to learn more about why Shaun was kidnapped).
I don't think the Kellog quest was poor, cigar sniffing or not, but it was out of order. You should have found out about Kellog's house, gone to the Memory Den, found his memories in their archives, explored them, then found out where he was holed up.
Then you should have had the option to kill or spare him.