Virus People should be fed to wild weasels

"Invest" is the key word here, not an option for the number of systems I'm trying to make a little bit harder to wacko up. $25 per system is not an option in my case, sadly. One, I could afford, but not five or more (y'know, large family)
My computers are running 24/7 for years and I always have up to date virus scanner and firewall and no trouble at all.
AntiVir and Windows Firewall. Just update, update, update!

...and everything runs smoothly.

I must say that AntiVir is the best virus scanner I had so far. All the other crap was shit. :D

Oh, and I also you adaware.
AVG is good. Also, if you need a firewall, try to get a hold of Sygate Personal Firewall. It rocks.
Vox said:
What's wrong about the Windows FW?

It's nothing special, it's allright imo.
1) It only focuses on outbound packages, not on inbound.
2) It can barely be configured.
3) It's unsafe as shit.
I dunno. Shit is fairly safe IMO.

It goes out, you wipe, you flush. Extreme cases may make this act dangerous to a very small extent, but nowhere near that of running MICROSOFT SECURITY PROGRAMS!
Virus makers should have their fingers and tounges covered with peanut butter while strapped down, then presented to starving weasles.

And you won't get viruses if you stop downloading porn :roll:

But really, windows security sucks, but can be remedied. Build or buy a firewall, and/or get Norton or something.
Or perhaps the reason you don't look at porn is that you are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet. You're not a eunuch are you?
Why are you smiling? If you're going to hit someone, you don't ask for their permission, you just hit them. But yes, I would love for you to use your cyber leg to kick my cyber head with a cyber ninja move you learned when you were still in your mother's womb. Just don't shrink me, gypsy.
If you want to ease your life from viruses just switch to a Mac. They don't have em yet anyway. I just use a firewall and haven't had one single problem.

The pc that I still use for preview/testing has a problems...too many problems. Currently it's combined with Kerio and Avast. I can say that the combination doesn't work. Norton worked a bit better, but still far from being perfect. f-secure was the crappiest of them all. Doesn't protect and screws up the machine too...

I usually keep the settings on the most strict because my need for the pc is very limited, but still something managed to sneak past the whole thing and hello Format c. Can't remember what virus it was, but a nasty shitter. At that time I was using Norton.

don't stick to Avast :) my pc's infected, my friends laptop crashed due to Avast every single time he clicked the right mouse button. Took him a while to find out the cause...
Homemade Vaporizers
i'm so fucking tired of nuubians spamming their supreme knowledge about how mac and/or linux have no viruses nor exploits...
Macs don't have viruses because,

1) They suck enough without them.

2) 95% of people using Macs are Apple fanboys, middle-aged women, and hippy liberal enviro-losers. And none of theym have the drive or the skills to make a virus.

(this is a jk, don't flame)

For the record, I have been using PCs forever and have never had a virus problem I couldn't just fix. And there weren't many of those either, thank you Norton.
SuAside said:
i'm so fucking tired of nuubians spamming their supreme knowledge about how mac and/or linux have no viruses nor exploits...

I didn't say that. I just said that don't have em yet. Of course every system has exploits. If you compare os x vs. windows...heheh..well I hardly think there is ANY way you can put it into windows favour when it's about viruses or exploits.

Plus there is only ONE virus (that Symatec actually calls a worm, not a virus) for Mac OS X, OSX/Oompa-A or alternatively OSX/Leap-A. Sure there are more to come, but at the moment...i'd say mac wins on that area.

I've probably been using windows nor for 15years and I switched to a mac a few summers back. No problems and no way in hell I'm going back into the windows world. Of course I'm a graphical designer so in my area of expertise mac's are quite common.
frissy said:
and there you go again...

2 seconds of googling revealed a website with a 3 page list of Mac virustypes and a 2000 survey identifies 40 types as well.

so "they dont have them yet"? yeah, right...

the reason why they arent widespread is because Macs are a less tempting targets. why go for reasonably protected Macs if you can have a thousandfold more victims that'll click any link sent to them.

you're welcome to say they're more secure, but saying "they don't have them yet" is just identifying yourself as a clueless Mac fanboy with an Apple lodged firmly up your ass.