Visual crack likes Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Since we did an obscure blog for anti-Fallout 3 yesterday, let's do obscure pro-Fallout 3 today.<blockquote>As a franchise much beloved by those who have played it, the news that Bethesda was taking over the development of Fallout 3 was greeted with great wariness on the web. Having never played any of the Fallout games myself I can’t really speak for those who were less than enthusiastic at this announcement.

What I can tell you is that my anticipation for this game was second only to GTA IV at the beginning of the year. Now I’m all about the Fallout.

The initial grab for me was the teaser trailer. There’s no game play, no action, I doubt it’s even a real cut scene from the game. But… wow. The music is a perfect contrast to the video and even for the game itself. The posters are reminiscent of the 50’s in their style, which makes sense due to that era really focusing the Cold War and, subsequently, nuclear holocaust on the American mind. At the end we are treated to a voice-over by none other than Ron Perlman, the man who did the voice-overs for all the Fallout games (and who is also responsible for a wicked cool portrayal of Hellboy on the silver screen).</blockquote>Link: Most Anticipated Games 2008" Fallout 3.

Spotted on F3:APNB.
The initial grab for me was the teaser trailer. There’s no game play, no action, I doubt it’s even a real cut scene from the game. But… wow

The definitive method for judging a video game's quality. :roll:
At least this person said he didn't play any of the originals. Puts his words in to perspective.

I found it funny how he liked the 50s style but he also liked the music from the trailer. Yup real 50s style music there.
I found it funny how he liked the 50s style but he also liked the music from the trailer. Yup real 50s style music there.

Er... yes? I believe he's talking about "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire", not about Inon Zur's music that follows.
Cool :D
Never played Fallout, only seen the trailer, don't know what's going on but loves it!
Happy now Bodybag? ;d
Black said:
Cool :D
Never played Fallout, only seen the trailer, don't know what's going on but loves it!
Happy now Bodybag? ;d

You're calling me out, specifically? Have yourself a strike, pal.

But since you asked (rhetorically): I'm satisfied that this guy's article is every bit as worthless as the one. Journalistic balance: achieved.
Bodybag said:
Briosafreak said:
that this guy's

It's a girl.

Great, even more reason to ignore the article!

Also - she's never played Fallout? I wonder if her boyfriend punched her because of that.

Given that stunningly insightful commentary it's a wonder I don't have a boyfriend. /sarcasm

Maybe I should have been more clear when I wrote the post, but, in all honesty I didn't expect many people to ever see it.

The teaser grabbed my attention because that is what they are meant to do and it does it's job very well. The music I was referring to is indeed the song "I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire" by The Ink Spots and if you want to get really technical, it's actually a 1940s song (I didn't feel like it was that important to mention; the 50s comment was about the posters and overall general feel of the teaser). And I thought it went without saying that since Bethesda is developing it, there's a more than fair chance the game is going to be good. I'll give them the benefit-of-the-doubt.

By this point the screenshots are what are getting my attention. I totally admit I'm a graphics glutton.

As for never having played any of the Fallout games before, I claim ignorance when they came out, pure and simple. As a matter of fact, I'd never even heard of the series until I saw the teaser and started reading about Fallout 3. The reason: I'm almost purely a console gamer. Not to mention the fact that, girl gamers being a particularly rare breed, I'm the only one I know that would be old enough to remember Fallout (or care, for that matter; and I do care). I do intend on eventually playing the Fallout series, but I've got a lot of other things that are in the queue ahead of that.

If you've got any questions feel free to ask, but if you're going to be a jerk I'll just ignore you. I don't mind spirited debate, it's the ad hominem and strawman attacks that irk me.
The use of the words "wicked cool" made my ears bleed. Nothing personal, I just hate that phrase.
Mac, welcome to the forums. I'd encourage you to play the original Fallout before you play Fallout 3, if for no other reason than to better understand why many of us greeted Bethesda's involvement in Fallout 3 with great wariness. Aside from that, it's one of the best RPGs ever created. Any RPG fan should play Fallout at least once.

Since you're a console gamer and a graphics glutton, I can't guarantee you'll love Fallout, but if you were pulled in by the FO3 trailer and you dig the post-apocalyptic setting, give the original game a shot. The game oozes atmosphere and style.
Well I have some advice for you. Go play Fallout 1 and 2. If anything we should be jealous that you haven't played them, because you are in the position of being able to go out and play two of the most wonderful RPGs ever made for the first time. It's not too late.

Go. Do it.
Bodybag said:
You're calling me out, specifically? Have yourself a strike, pal.

I'd agree if you weren't asking for it with your constant straw manning (yes, straw manning in the actual meaning of the word, as in attempting to paint your opponent's argument as stupid by extending it ad absurdo or the like).

You've been acting like a troll for some time now. I keep telling you, you don't need it, but it's your funeral.

Bodybag said:
But since you asked (rhetorically): I'm satisfied that this guy's article is every bit as worthless as the one. Journalistic balance: achieved.


Wouldn't have posted it, but the balance is poetic.

Mac said:
The teaser grabbed my attention because that is what they are meant to do and it does it's job very well.

Yes it does. It got some positive feedback here too, 'cept for the zany powerarmour. Pope Viper misinterpreted it as a value judgement of the game, which I assume is not what you meant.

Mac said:
By this point the screenshots are what are getting my attention. I totally admit I'm a graphics glutton.

Good on you.

Mac said:
As for never having played any of the Fallout games before, I claim ignorance when they came out, pure and simple. As a matter of fact, I'd never even heard of the series until I saw the teaser and started reading about Fallout 3. The reason: I'm almost purely a console gamer. Not to mention the fact that, girl gamers being a particularly rare breed, I'm the only one I know that would be old enough to remember Fallout (or care, for that matter; and I do care). I do intend on eventually playing the Fallout series, but I've got a lot of other things that are in the queue ahead of that.

'k. And you do understand why we feel your opinion is of little value to us because of that? I mean, just so we're clear that that is not meant as a personal insult, our perspective is simply that of Fallout gamers, so we have no real reason to care if a non-Fallout gamer likes Fallout 3.
Mac said:
Given that stunningly insightful commentary

That punching bit is sort of an in-joke amongst NMA detractors, some poster here thought it would be funny (which it wasn't) and it ended up being quoted out of context by half the internet.

I have very few quarrels with your article, as you openly admitted to not knowing the originals, something I'd say you share with quite a lot of the previewers out there who aren't that honest about it. That said, you may have been misled by Beth's PR-talk on that bit about 200 endings, they are just slightly different permutations of a couple of ending screens based on your choices, same as the originals'.

Mac said:
And I thought it went without saying that since Bethesda is developing it, there's a more than fair chance the game is going to be good

Well, this is a case of different target audiences; most hardcore RPG fans dislike Bethesda for their treatment of The Elder Scrolls series, since Morrowind and Oblivion, despite near universal acclaim, were VERY shallow as RPGs and several steps down from the earlier iterations of the franchise.

Mac said:
it's the ad hominem and strawman attacks that irk me.

Oh, I think you'll fit in just fine :).
'k. And you do understand why we feel your opinion is of little value to us because of that? I mean, just so we're clear that that is not meant as a personal insult, our perspective is simply that of Fallout gamers, so we have no real reason to care if a non-Fallout gamer likes Fallout 3.

...and that's why we post it as news?
Ausir said:
'k. And you do understand why we feel your opinion is of little value to us because of that? I mean, just so we're clear that that is not meant as a personal insult, our perspective is simply that of Fallout gamers, so we have no real reason to care if a non-Fallout gamer likes Fallout 3.
...and that's why we post it as news?

As I just explained to Bodybag in the other thread, NMA is not a "selected news" site, we're not like the Codex who select news they think their readers care about. We just dump everything we find related to Fallout 3 (except the very worst, as in too short or uninteresting articles (I'm quicker to post something if DaC or Briosa already posted it, which was the case both times here, too)) and let our readers do the sorting.

If not, do you really think I would keep forwarding these mindnumbingly uninteresting Inside the Vault Q&As?

Hell, come to think of it, if it were purely about giving material to the forum users, what they care about, shouldn't we stop posting about Fallout 3 altogether and leave it to Fallout 3 fansites like Briosafreak's blog?
Bodybag said:
Black said:
Cool :D
Never played Fallout, only seen the trailer, don't know what's going on but loves it!
Happy now Bodybag? ;d

You're calling me out, specifically? Have yourself a strike, pal.

But since you asked (rhetorically): I'm satisfied that this guy's article is every bit as worthless as the one. Journalistic balance: achieved.
Easy there, it's not like I called you out for no reason... Here you seemed to not like "unnecessary" negative opinions and now you have "unnecessary" positive opinions. I thought you might like it!
Seymour the spore plant said:
That punching bit is sort of an in-joke amongst NMA detractors, some poster here thought it would be funny (which it wasn't) and it ended up being quoted out of context by half the internet.

Thanks for clearing that up. Apologies for jumping all over it, but a girl's got to stick up for herself when it comes to gaming or the guys just walk all over us ;)

Seymour the spore plant said:
I have very few quarrels with your article, as you openly admitted to not knowing the originals, something I'd say you share with quite a lot of the previewers out there who aren't that honest about it. That said, you may have been misled by Beth's PR-talk on that bit about 200 endings, they are just slightly different permutations of a couple of ending screens based on your choices, same as the originals'.

I think it's better to get my lack of knowledge of the original games out of the way. I haven't played them (yet), so I would feel silly trying to post like I had. I realize there is a big difference between the original games and Fallout 3, but I'm not about to try to point them out. Though I do have to say I'd like to think that it's possible for games (even beloved ones) to evolve and bring in new mechanics. Obviously I hope it's for the better for all you guys who know and love the original games.

I get that the 200 endings are permutations. Being a console gamer I'm used to set endings where you may end up with one of four, five, maybe ten, but they don't change at all.

Seymour the spore plant said:
Mac said:
And I thought it went without saying that since Bethesda is developing it, there's a more than fair chance the game is going to be good

Well, this is a case of different target audiences; most hardcore RPG fans dislike Bethesda for their treatment of The Elder Scrolls series, since Morrowind and Oblivion, despite near universal acclaim, were VERY shallow as RPGs and several steps down from the earlier iterations of the franchise.

And here I'll admit again that I never got to play the original Elder Scrolls games so my view of Bethesda is based on what I have played and seen from them. While I'm admitting things I'll also admit I'm not a hardcore RPGer. I have enjoyed Elder Scrolls IV a lot but so far my favorite PS3 game is Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. If that doesn't give you an idea of what my favorite games lean toward I don't know what will.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here and discuss Fallout. I realize I'm somewhat of an outsider but I'm looking for the first two Fallouts right now so I can get my game on.