What governments should do and what they do actually do are very different things.
That's pretty close to my argument.
You are suggesting that a government can stand above society and provide equality and security for all. This is a very static definition of government as the protector of society- a status quo position.
No, not what I am saying. Social capital is almost impossible to accumulate without sacrificing the continued growth of the market, ergo the government should be expected to primarily deal with economic issues in the same way that any other enterprise does, while still maintaining Pareto improvement, in addition to sustaining a stable and moderately sane society through legislation and (limited) government programs.
Basically, the government's job is primarily to regulate the market, provide security, prevent Trusts and Feudalism from seeping in and provide a minimum of social services while ensuring some manner of continued improvement of society through the market (Pareto improvement) and preventing a collapse of the market (and the society) through legislation.
Make sense? I'm not a motherfucking Communitarian.
But governments represent social groups who come with social issues. This point was raised earlier- it is easier to defend the status quo when you are benefitted from that status quo. The question should be- who does the status quo benefit and how does it cause the detriment to others.
Again: Pareto improvement. Not many people in America are suffering any kind of *regression* in their standards of living, however many sections are improving more quickly. While the government SHOULD keep an eye on this, this is as much a natural fluctation of the market as much as anything, and drastic steps just lead to stupidity.
Governments are little more than formal institutions that inherently mobilize bias towards the interests of those who benefit from those institutions.
Hey, I'M the one saying that the Government's job should be small, not you.
So the idea that governments should not redistribute wealth is idealistic, but not realistic. Inherently governments will redistribute wealth if only to protect the status quo.
Redistribute wealth through taxes? Can't say I am for it, honestly. The flat tax has essentially proven to be as effective as any manner of graduated tax where it is used (if only because the Rich get out of paying taxes in a graduated system). But through social services such as education? I think so.
How that redistribution occurs- through taxes, through the funding or support of industries, through grants to industries or social groups, through a variety of subsidies. Does the government tax the wealthy or the poor, does it fund the military (and thus the industries that supply the military) or does it invest in new technologies or broader social inclusion through education? Does it provide social safety nets to those vulnerable to economic change or does it provide corporate welfare? Does it clean the environment for the betterment of societies quality of life or does it cut back on environmental protections to give industry a more competitive edge.
1) The Government taxes all equally by % of income.
2) Yes. A military is always needed.
3) Both. I'm pro Education in almost any situation, and am not entirely sure that for primary education that a free market benefits the society.
4) No and for the most part no. Subsidies are the devil.
5) I'm fairly mixed on the issue. I personally think taxing certain negative industries due to their polluting effects is an excellent idea, and perhaps (MAYBE) subsidizing eco-friendly solutions is nessicary, but I am not sure.
Who wins and who loses- is the business of politics. What government does is centralize the decision making process and thus limit the ability of society to utilize self-help- and in doing so provides domestic tranquility and peace.
Governments must do this because it is, in part, the reason for their existance. In providing for domestic security- higher levels of inequality and unemployment may lead to higher rates of crime. Subsidies militaries may allow for greater military expansion abroad. People often participate in government because government looks after their individual wealth- thus the top10% of the top 1% of our population were also the major contributors to the current administration in DC.
Do you have any alternative to this? Besides an 'Autocracy of the Over-Educated and Snobby'?
John- for a quick read- check out Robert Bates- Prosperity and Violence.
I'm reading Anna Karenina and some Leo Strauss at the moment, sorry but that won't happen for a little while.