hakimio said:
victor said:
Survive up to one year? That's a ridiculously short amount.
In case of most catastrophes (excluding nuclear war) one year should be enough.
Depends. If the concept of most wars proved one thing. Then that bunkers are useless.
Word War 2 has shown for example how easily they can be overcome by a well trained and equiped force. Particularly with better aircrafts for example. And today there are a lot more and better weapon systems available. So regarding a war a bunker will not make you invincible.
On the other side I am curious about what catastrophes we are talking about. Against most natural desaster a bunker would prove to be quite usefull (like twisters for example). But here one year of supply isnt really needed.
The other part would be eventualy a terrorist attack. Well it might be usefull. But its tricky I think. I personaly dont see a real use. The issue with terrorist attacks is that you dont get a warning before it. Youre either in the zone or outside of the zone when it happens. If you have luck to survive there is no bunker needed anymore. If the bomb explodes next to you. Well bad luck. Against biological and chemical attacks it might have some use. If you have the luck not to be around when they use it so you have actualy some time to get in your vault. Though if you manage to get inside in time. Then it would be usefull yeah. But it sounds to me pretty risky. So I would spend the money on food and games instead of building a vault.
A nuclear war. Now thats a interesting idea. As there have been many theoriese about that. IF its possible to survive or not. There can be definetly vaults that can survive a nuclear hit. But on the other side we are talking here not about a single bomb. Take London for example. The Soviets would have hit it not with one, or two but countless wareheads. And many of them with pretty high range and power. So if you happen to be in the center. Good luck sir. If youre outside of it the shock of the explosion would do nothing to the vault. But the radiation might do the trick I think. If one year is enough ? Depends on the bomb and the used isiotopes. Some radiation already dissapears after a few days. Other stay for years and milenias to come. So even if you survive and even if you get out afterwards and can breath the air without danger you might have a lot of trouble finding food, clean water and reliable sources for supply. Quite many things would be contaminated. Rain would have washed the radiation from the trees, buildings and other objects in the ground so you would have to dig pretty deep to get some ground without radiation. Particularly elements like Caesium stay for a long time in plants which get also eaten by animals.
One thing was already known during the days of cold war. Surviving the war was never the issue. Surviving in the world after it a completely different story.
So in my eyes a bunker is a useless piece of **** compared to what you all could do with the money. It only serves today one point. To make you "feel" more save. It will if you ask me not really make you more save. Its just an illusion.