Voodoo Extreme: Sequels we'd love to see

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
VE3D has done an article entitled Missing in Action: Sequels we'd love to see. On page 9 is the old familiar face:<blockquote>Fallout 3

The Poop—The post-apocalypse setting was popular back when the U.S. and U.S.S.R. were bumping heads, threatening the world with global thermonuclear destruction. One role-playing game that was able to take advantage of our seemingly imminent demise was Fallout, another fine title from Interplay, a formerly stellar publisher that seems to be taking up quite a few spots on our list.

The Scoop—Bethesda nabbed the rights to develop a single player RPG based in the Fallout universe not too long ago, but it's still in the pre-production phase, as far as we know. There was also an SEC filing from Interplay claiming it was making a MMORPG based on Fallout, but the figures involved made it more fantasy than reality, considering Interplay is basically nothing more than a crappy logo on a barren website. </blockquote>I can specifically remember the Cold War being over in 1997. As for Interplay's website, as of the writing of this news the site has been down for a few days. There's a poll on the right-hand side which sequel you want to see more, in which Fallout 3 is only just trailing Starcraft 2.

Link: MIA Sequels we'd love to see on VE3D (page 9)

Thanks Briosafreak.
I didn't know the US and USSR were bumping heads in 1997. Or even that the USSR existed in 1997.
I learn something new every day!
Briosafreak said:
Still that's the first great list on a gaming website in a loooonnnng time, props to Apache. 8)

This remark at the end is well odd:
And there we have it, 22 games that in most cases, would deliver serious sequels. As you might've noticed, we were looking more at "what if" scenarios, rather than sequels in the works now. Some of the games included are more likely to see the light of day again than others, but most will remain memories. Many would do well on consoles, others on PC, some both. Either way, it would be great to see a few return, creating even more fond memories for years to come.

He does realise Fallout 3 is out of pre-production and into fullblown production, rite?
It's decent, not that great. I still don't see why people want Baldur's Gate 3, 1 plainly sucked and 2 wasn't that good either. Also, Diablo 3 isn't an RPG. Naming Planescape: Torment Baldur's Gate with an M rating is an insult.

However, Blood 3, Tie Fighter 2, Descent 4 and of course Planescape: Torment 2 are excellent prospects. Ultima X might be a decent prospect, if it weren't for the fuckedness of the franchise.
It also reminded me to go play the two Interstates for once.

Also, I don't want a Half-Life 3. Half-life rocked, Half-life 2 pretty much sucked and the expansions are drawing out a really, really silly and needlessly convoluted storyline.
Then again, Quantum Leap did rock...
Ugh, no, no Planescape Torment 2! Another game in the Planescape universe, done by someone with half a brain, sure, fun. But Torment 2? No.
Jabberwocky said:
Ugh, no, no Planescape Torment 2! Another game in the Planescape universe, done by someone with half a brain, sure, fun. But Torment 2? No.
Torment 2 in the sense of following the Nameless One *might* be interesting, but probably not.

However, a Torment 2 obviously doesn't need to be centered around TNO. May as well be centered around any other character in Sigil.
Still, I'd love to see a new game in the vein of Torment: same art style, dialogue style, character interaction. A bit more story-consequences would make it even better.
Also better combat.

What I'd love to see most is a sequel to Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Maybe even a Requiem game.

Blood 3 sounds great, Max Payne, Quarantine, BloodNet, Terra Nova, etc all deserve a sequel.

EDIT: 3000th post. Woot!
Jabberwocky said:
[A]s of the writing of this news the site has been down for a few days.

Website. I communicated with an Interplay relations person who said that Interplay's website is currently down due to an unknown but likely not serious technical issue

We'll see, if it lasts a couple of days NMA'll snoop, of not it's just another one of those Iplay downtime thingies.
I agree that the first HL rocked my socks, HL2 I found to be meh its pretty..but gameplay sucks arse. The commandos in HL were fast, did radio calls [it was believable] bounced grenades off walls when hearing you etc. The ninjas, how I hated those bitches, they were so fast, it was an experience to play against them on hardest difficulty. HL2 AI reminds me of Deus Ex, the usual strafing slowly, boring movement etc. I will never forgive them for cutitng out the bullsquids and sonic dogs sniff....and the sniper rifle.. grr!
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
What do you mean, "WTF"? Shadow Warrior rocked and deserves a sequel.

I've never played it...one of those games from "before my time" that I'll never get a hold of and probably never play. I'll take your word for it though. :D

Its just that I saw the naked anime girl and was like "Whoa!".

The Vault Dweller
DDD I loved shadow warrior he could have been the next duke.


Also Max Payne, Quarantine already has sequals :)
I know it may seem heresy, but I did for Diablo 3, not Fallout 3. You know, F3 is already being produced, while D3 is still a dream (for some people, of course, I know it).

Serifan said:
Also Max Payne, Quarantine already has sequals :)

Is there a Max Payne 3 already?! Good to know, MP 1 and 2 were damn great.