Vox got wounded: big toe on left foot


Vault Dweller
I was cleaning up the kitchen and there was this empty can of peaches (yum yum yuuum!). It slipped away and fell right on my left foot's big toe, hitting it with the opened sharp lid which gave me a nice cut right across my toe. :( It didn't hurt and I haven't cleaned it out so it WILL hurt in a couple of days because it'll get infected by some sick Australian bakteria.
The main problem is, that my kitchen and living room are full of dried up blood and I'll have to clean it up.

Pansies would go to a doctor with that cut, but I'm not a hypohondric so I'll take care of myself.


1. Watch out! Empty cans are sharp, therefore dangerous! (I think my parents told me that once when I was a child, but I was rather not paying attention... :roll: )

2. Wear steelcap boots in kitchen! (OH&S ftw!)

:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Too bad the lid didn't cut it off. You could then run around and touch people with it. o.O

Eat it, even.
I sliced a bit of my finger off with a bread-cutting machine once.

Why haven't you cleaned the wound, soldier? Afraid of a little sting that will save you from future amputation?

Better hurry up and clean it well. Check the wound in case you need stitches.

Better to fix it up and patch it well before suffering more on the future. Believe me.

I you don't have the skills to do it go see a medic.

It possibly needs stitches, about 3 or 4 I reckon... but too late now.
The thing is, that i've been stiched so many times in my life (i like skateboards, crossbows and knives...) so I've just thought, that this time it's not necessary, what maybe was a misstake, but i think the worst thing that could happen is just a very long healing process.
Vox said:

It possibly needs stitches, about 3 or 4 I reckon... but too late now.
The thing is, that i've been stiched so many times in my life (i like skateboards, crossbows and knives...) so I've just thought, that this time it's not necessary, what maybe was a misstake, but i think the worst thing that could happen is just a very long healing process.

Did Kahgan injure part of his brain during one of his "adventures" and start calling himself Vox?

:scratch: ,
The Vault Dweller
I once burned my finger with my portable blowtorch and I sort of burned the nerves or so, because I couldn't feel any pain... just numb. The blowtorch was in the mode where it has a blue flame so it was pretty hot. Don't know how it's called in English. In German it's called RAUSCHENDE FLAMME.
Thank God no female toes got hurt or mutilated during your little misfortune.
I would have never truly gotten over that, I guess... :(
I got stabbed in the wrist with a soldering iron in engineering class

now that fuckin' hurt
alec, did I actually tell you that my girlfriend is a leg and foot model?


Her feet0rz.

Edit: I took the photo of the picture with my webcam, because I have no scanner.
Vox said:
alec, did I actually tell you that my girlfriend is a leg and foot model?


Her feet0rz.
Be a pal and post some more pics so I can jerk off over your girlfriend's feet.

Nah, I don't believe you.
Ok... so i wont post any more pictures. :P
She has 104 cm long legs. And the feet you see above. But well... you obviously rather prefer not believing me. :P :P :P (why should I actually lie to you?)

But we're getting off-topic... this is not the "alec is a foot fetishist" thread.

So back to my injuries:

The toe is healing good... no infection so far and it doesn't smell like a rotting steak, so everything seems to be allright.
I'm not a macho, but my father is a doctor and I'm the master of self inficted injuries. Therefore I sort of know how to assess wounds and as you can see (no infection) I was right and wasting good desinfection spray was not necessary.

But to be honest, I wish I had a stimpack. :boy:
Vox said:
I'm not a macho, but my father is a doctor and I'm the master of self inficted injuries. Therefore I sort of know how to assess wounds and as you can see (no infection) I was right and wasting good desinfection spray was not necessary.

you can't 'see' if something will infect or not, no matter how clean the wound looks. :roll:

besides, if your dad is a doc, you've got more than enough desinfection spray to waste at no cost...
I once ran head first into a steel pillar, which also affected my short-term memory.

I once ran head first into a steel pillar, which also affected my short-term memory.