I was cleaning up the kitchen and there was this empty can of peaches (yum yum yuuum!). It slipped away and fell right on my left foot's big toe, hitting it with the opened sharp lid which gave me a nice cut right across my toe.
It didn't hurt and I haven't cleaned it out so it WILL hurt in a couple of days because it'll get infected by some sick Australian bakteria.
The main problem is, that my kitchen and living room are full of dried up blood and I'll have to clean it up.
Pansies would go to a doctor with that cut, but I'm not a hypohondric so I'll take care of myself.
1. Watch out! Empty cans are sharp, therefore dangerous! (I think my parents told me that once when I was a child, but I was rather not paying attention...
2. Wear steelcap boots in kitchen! (OH&S ftw!)
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The main problem is, that my kitchen and living room are full of dried up blood and I'll have to clean it up.
Pansies would go to a doctor with that cut, but I'm not a hypohondric so I'll take care of myself.
1. Watch out! Empty cans are sharp, therefore dangerous! (I think my parents told me that once when I was a child, but I was rather not paying attention...

2. Wear steelcap boots in kitchen! (OH&S ftw!)
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