Walpknut Doodles.


This ghoul has seen it all
So, I draw, yes, I am not that good, but I am not that bad, I think I do pretty well but I still have a long way to go, I have a Deviant art account http://juanpriest.deviantart.com/ I haven't updated it recently, I mostly got fed up by peopel using DA more liek another fuckign facebook, I mean my work isn't that great but the least peopel can do is leave a comment on the drawings before asking you to watch them in exchange of some favortie adding. anyway Rant over, here is two New Vegas sketches I did, my character in the first few minutes of the game, enjoy and comment if you feel like.
Getting the Broc Flower and Xander Root.

Stupid Powder Ganger broke my leg, and that Barber asshole just made me fo through some stupid geckos only to turn on me
It seems like cooking gloves (I think that's the name) to me. You know, one you use to get hot stuff from oven without risk of getting yourself burned.
Am I right?
They are Boxing gloves in bad condition, I think I got too carried away drawing exposed fabric and little rips in the gloves.

Well this is a picture of the Three companions for a MOD I am planing to make this year, Luz, Bolivar and Marulanda, they help you as your translators but maybe one of them is not that good with words. another one is pretty good with them and the other one just translates you normaly.

Oh and bonus, a Gaz fan art from invader Zim.
Now for a little from the old games:
The Chosen One in Front of Arroyo

I don't know why but I always imagine the CHosen One with a Clint Eastwood Squint. And also I drew him with the top part fo the Jumsuit tied up in the waist, like in one of the Loading screens.

Edit: the image got stretched for osme reason.
What? you beleived I was doen posting horrible shit? well, here it comes!:

Well I am uploading my raw pencils (with some photoshop badly applied shading) because my inking is atrocious, so lets see if this is better:
Floaters and classic Centaur

Ideas for a game. maybe a mod, maybe a fangame in the future.




The Vermin





And now for somethign diferent
Joshua Graham



Walpknut said:
Now for a little from the old games:
The Chosen One in Front of Arroyo
I don't know why but I always imagine the CHosen One with a Clint Eastwood Squint. And also I drew him with the top part fo the Jumsuit tied up in the waist, like in one of the Loading screens.

Edit: the image got stretched for osme reason.
Holy hell, that's awesome. If it were more detailed I'd totally buy it and hang it above my desk.