Want to get interviewed for a story about NMA? Click here!

If you can, get Yamu to do the interview because he is the best thing that has happened to this cosmos.

I think he is a she. Maybe. Probably.

Yamu is Kwisatz Haderach. Now please permaban yourself.

If you can, get Yamu to do the interview because he is the best thing that has happened to this cosmos.

Yeah, but that's because he min/maxed by reducing his skill in intestines to zero.

It's still a valid approach.
I'm really curious TDG! (And I miss your old avatar a lot.)

The weird thing is, I am using it but it doesn't show. I just re uploaded it again and it is still is not in my user display.
Also been going through the settings and I can't see any menu options that have it set on invisible.

Edit; stupid, stupid, I mixed up profile with avatar.
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