War of the Worlds is happening in Norway

Lukester said:

I would be cool if suddenly a big pile of turd would come out of that hole! :mrgreen:

Some good footage. I have read reports now that it was a Russian missile but then again it could be a cover up.
I'm not buying the russian missile explanation until someone can explain exactly how a missile can produce that effect.
missile launch gone wrong seems acceptable to me.
roll me another one and i'm likely to fall for the alien spiral staircase story.

In norwegian, but it is a statement from the senior spokesperson at the military's operative headquarter in bodø saying that it was a rocket.

aenemic said:
I'm not buying the russian missile explanation until someone can explain exactly how a missile can produce that effect.
Guesses so far is that the missile is leaking fuel that has been hit by the sun over the horison. Also. You have seen fireworks spinning wildly after a bad launch at new years eve right? Thats the same thing.
botched missile (stabilisor damaged or nozzle fucked) + reflected light in upper atmosphere could explain it as far as i'm concerned, but i sure aint no expert.

edit: what i was aiming for (i was thinking missile, but the vid speaks of re-entering space junk):

It *accelerates* and pretty much looks like fumes from a throttle. Perhaps it's some kind og electro-magnetic engine? Who the fuck knows what military\aliens are up to anyway.
SuAside said:
edit: what i was aiming for (i was thinking missile, but the vid speaks of re-entering space junk):
Its angle behaviour was wrong if it was space junk from what I heard.
If you ask me, a missile fail would look more like this:

I don't believe in conspiracies, but I honestly think something else is going on.
Maybe some gas or radiation related experiment?
NFSreloaded said:
If you ask me, a missile fail would look more like this:
Having launched and watched launch a number of rockets and bottle rockets (easier to see the trail), I have seen a number fail and spiral madly when they do. The explanation is extremely plausible and when it's between a plausible explanation and aliens, it isn't hard for a reasonable and rational person to figure out which one it was.

Dopemine Cleric said:
So, when are the Ori showing up?

Unfortunately, the government won't handle the problem the same way they did in StarGate.

By hoping the limited resources of a small group of people would miraculously and cinematic-ally save the day? That seems a bit too cavalier and not well thought through for the US Government... Oh wait.

MrBumble said:
This is getting weirder by the minute !
Apparently the same thing happenned one year ago in Russia :


Looks almost the same :?

“...They say the comet precedes them.”

In all seriousness, I do find it hard to believe that no official statement has been made as to how this spiral effect could have been generated from a missile. Instead of alleviating confusion and potential panic it is allowed to fester until the issue blows so far out of proportion it can't be repaired.

Initially I noticed certain gravitational properties to this spiral in the sky but quickly discounted anything like that (IE mini black hole) due to the spiral matter flowing outward instead of inward towards the would-be gravitational mass at the center of the spiral.

alec said:
It's obviously godse.cx

and a bad curry, I assume...

...I don't want to know what the original photo was nor do I want to know why/what/who/when/where ... :x
I think he does... Upon closer inspection I see a ring... Is that what it takes to get married and be happy? If so... I'm afraid.