John Uskglass said:HH, you have any reason for thinking War of the Worlds will be a 'turd' other then your propensity towards disliking things?
Maybe it could be what is said about the movie, especially in regards as to how it is being set. Orson Welles used H.G. Wells work in an artistic way that more than gave it credit - a feat hard to top. However, in how the movie is being promoted, it looks simply like Yet Another Alien Invasion Flick, set in contemporary times. We've seen that already - it was called ID4. Maybe if there was some art direction to it, as in recreating what the book depicted in that time period it was set in, then I could find artistic merit for calling this movie a decent remake. Other than that, it could be tenuously called "derivative work".
I've read reviews in Newsweek and Time, they where positive.
I've read positive reviews for MI2. Good reviews mean jack shit around Hollywood's steaming piles.
I'm sure it will have fantastic effects as the cameraman goes up Tom's left nostril, but as actual "War of the Worlds" content goes, that still has yet to be proven in some form other than aliens come, invade Earth, and die from a common microbe. I'll watch it expecting YAAIF; if they manage to do anything other than that, then bonus.
OT: Speaking of potential to suck...