Wasteland 2 breaks $3 million, 2 hours left to go


But best title ever!
With only 2 hours left to go, the combined sums of the Kickstarter drive and Paypal have pushed the Wasteland 2 project over $3 million. This means we're going to get a modkit for the title.

Oh, and if any of you intends to and still hasn't donated, this is the last chance.
:clap: This made me come out from my lurking mode to write, that this is amazing! :) Can't wait to see what the future will bring. And I wonder if we can expect Wasteland 1 remade in the toolset by modders, Fallout 1 or even Van Buren. :)
Aww, this rocks. After 2m I was sure we couldn't even make 2,5m.

Interesting though. Did they foresee that they could accumulate 3m in the very end? Or was it a pure guess?

Moreover, I must admit that the entire PR campaign during the Kickstarter was very well managed and done. All those updates, tidbits of information, early artwork, videos - it seemed like all of them were released at very crucial moments of time, thereby pushing the pledges inflow forward.

In other words, leaving all the hype aside, it seemed like InXile actually _did_ have the experience with Kickstarters before!
yeah I also thought a few days ago that 3 million too high, happy that I was proven wrong ;-)
When Wasteland 2 hit $2.5 million last Saturday there was a prediction that by the end of the pledge it would hit $2.7 million so I'm just glad it's now over $3.0 million and the modders can get a modkit. I'm not into modding myself but for those who're it's fantastic :)
PooftimusPrime said:
When Wasteland 2 hit $2.5 million last Saturday there was a prediction that by the end of the pledge it would hit $2.7 million so I'm just glad it's now over $3.0 million and the modders can get a modkit. I'm not into modding myself but for those who're it's fantastic :)

Me neither. But, might be a good reason to start :)
Tagaziel said:
Wasn't Fallout's budget three milion 1995sth dollars?

Fargo mentioned $3 in an interview but that's purposefully lowballing it. Fallout was $3-5M depending on how you factor in talking heads, voices and PR. It was $3M in like "core design".