Wasteland 2 Kickstarter tiers updated/expanded

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
inXile has added to the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter tiers, adding 25 $2000 tier options where you can add a personalized artifact, updating $2500 to make it clear it means both a name and an artifact, and adding 100 $1000 tiers. That's...a lot of named NPCs. Let's hope it doesn't sell out.

Meanwhile, another update is coming today.<blockquote>I'm working on another Kickstarter update today...</blockquote>Fargo also lets us know that he'll post Andree Wallin's desert ranger concept art when it's done:<blockquote>First pass of the concept piece of the Desert Rangers from Andree Wallin and they are some real bad-ass dudes. I'll post when done.
</blockquote>For those who have Kickstarter fever, note other classics are popping up in fundraisers, including Leisure Suit Larry and Shadowrun (Shadowrun is in on Fargo's Kicking It Forward).
I've seen this first pass. It's lookin' good, atmospheric. These early pieces should give a good indication for what kind of setting interpretation and atmosphere they're thinking of. Should be a bit before it's done and ready for posting though.
Oh man, more customized NPCs/locations/weapons? Uh oh. Oh schmell, I can live with some silly names.

Shadowrun? Good thing I've been saving so much money with Steam sales, 'cause that's another game I'd love to see. Unfortunately, at this rate, I'm not too confident they'll hit the 400k mark.

The "24 days to go" tricked me - funding doesn't seem like it'll be a problem since it just started. Awesome.. the possibility of another great game.
Can believe the good old times is coming back, games that defined my childhood like wasteland. Old adventure games like Tex Murphy and the LucasArts type games also seems to get a comeback.

Btw Tim Cain is on board, brother none?
Weren't they already making an old school Shadowrun?

What the hell is an "artifact"? Cant they just pump the money into development and thats it?
maximaz said:
Weren't they already making an old school Shadowrun?


Are you referring to Shadowrun Online? Because they mention it in the FAQ and the name should be self-explanatory as for the direction the title is going for.
Makagulfazel said:
Oh man, more customized NPCs/locations/weapons?
Well, I hope there will be some secret cryogenetic laboratory somewhere in the Wasteland, with a thousands of frozen humans inside. All their names should be stored/obtained through some computer database via terminal. Frozen backers, hell yeah! :twisted:
valcik said:
Makagulfazel said:
Oh man, more customized NPCs/locations/weapons?
Well, I hope there will be some secret cryogenetic laboratory somewhere in the Wasteland, with a thousands of frozen humans inside. All their names should be stored/obtained through some computer database via terminal. Frozen backers, hell yeah! :twisted:

Not a bad idea.

I don't like the idea of adding more named NPC's to Wasteland 2. It seemed like they had enough of that already. Ah hell. Guess we will see.
Damn, Shadowrun was awesome I'm very eager to see it back. Nice to see Kick it forward giving fruits already... I hope they focus it more on the Genesis features.

As for WL2, I sincerely hope that backers wouldn't pay 2000 dollars just for the laughs of naming a character 'assbutt' or something like that...