Wasteland 2 Kickstarter Update #14


But best title ever!
For the latest Wasteland 2 Kickstarter update inXile thanks the fans for the successful funding and then moves on to talk about how to solve problems with the Kickstarter payments, shipment surveys and their recently-opened store, which is currently offering a pre-order for a digital copy of the title and will integrate backers-only items:<blockquote>Now on to the fun stuff… If your tier contained any rewards where we need to gather your information fo use in the game, we will soon be doing so through Kickstarter. Keep on the lookout for this notification. There is no need to update your shipping address yet as we will collect it when we get closer to the release of the game next year.

We have opened up a store at http://wasteland.inxile-entertainment.com/store. We currently have the digital copy available for $20, and we will leave that preorder up during production. If you have friends that missed out on the Kickstarter but still want a copy of the game, they can go there and still get it cheaper than after it is released. Also, if you forgot to add $15 for international shipping on physical rewards, we have added a PayPal option to do so in the store. In the near future, we will open a backer-only store with some great exclusive items that won’t be available to the general public.

So, now we get started on the game! We are in full production mode for the next 18 months. Expect to see many updates as we start to shape the experience that you’ve helped create. If you want to stay in the loop in between our Kickstarter updates, head to our blog and forums at http://wasteland.inxile-entertainment.com/. We will be spending a lot of time interacting with all of you there. </blockquote>
Backers-only store? Meh. Well, if it's about getting "I backed Wasteland 2" shirts, why not?

By the way, iirc the translations for this game will be made by some users, right? If so, where/when can we volunteer to do so? Anyone knows? :)
as I went through amazon payments and that part is wondering me at the moment. I did get a transaction success email from amazon but my credit card has not been charged yet.
Izual said:
Backers-only store? Meh. Well, if it's about getting "I backed Wasteland 2" shirts, why not?

Cant wait to see some at the codex go berserker about this again. Like they did when the portrait extras were added to the 30 dollar tier. :lol:
Ares said:
Izual said:
Backers-only store? Meh. Well, if it's about getting "I backed Wasteland 2" shirts, why not?

Cant wait to see some at the codex go berserker about this again. Like they did when the portrait extras were added to the 30 dollar tier. :lol:

Yeah, that was hilarious.
I would dislike any more exclusive contents, even cosmectic one.
When you release a game, all the contents available should be included. Otherwise it's a misappropriation of development time (should it be tiny) for a minority.
I'd appreciate more rewards like that for backers. At the end of the day THEY made this happen - and also supported a whole new system for game development. Brian Fargo is imho right that those guys really should be rewared. Backers are pioneers here - and they should know that their bravery is more then welcome.

This is pretty different to the current experience "Gamers" have with the present DLCs, Preorders and all the other stuff publisher-driven game development came up so far with - and people have to adapt to that. Leaving their past experience behind because, you know - this is new territory.
I would like to know how many pledges will be cancled, because of credit card failure and how much money will end up in inXiles hands at the end.
Lexx said:
I would like to know how many pledges will be cancled, because of credit card failure and how much money will end up in inXiles hands at the end.

That's my fear, too: that it'll be substantially less than the 3 million we thought.
Lexx said:
I would like to know how many pledges will be cancled, because of credit card failure and how much money will end up in inXiles hands at the end.

A very clever idea, BTW.

Any chance our reverend Brother None could clarify this issue with BF?
Somewhere in the comments on Kickstarter, there was someone claiming Double Fine lost around $10k-$20k to problems like that.

Let's hope it's no more than that.
Relentless666 said:
Hey, they initially wanted just $900.000. So losing even a 100k ain't that much of a hustle.

Definitely. But wouldn't that bring us to a lower (<$3m) tier?
Sobboth said:
I would dislike any more exclusive contents, even cosmectic one.
When you release a game, all the contents available should be included. Otherwise it's a misappropriation of development time (should it be tiny) for a minority.

Why? People who fronted cash to fund the project ought to get at least some kudos.
I'm one of the unlucky few who had payment problems. Failed twice, I deleted the card and re inputted details again [odd as I donated to GrindingGearGames and bought dvds on it days ago] Then it told me my donation status is cancelled which is odd as it's only been 2 days of FAIL. Hopefully kickstarter and inxile can help me, both still to reply back to me.. Guess see how much they want my pledge :/ It was a sizable one too...
egalor said:
Lexx said:
I would like to know how many pledges will be cancled, because of credit card failure and how much money will end up in inXiles hands at the end.
Any chance our reverend Brother None could clarify this issue with BF?

Yes, this will happen. It happens with every Kickstarter. It won't really impact the current goals (including the modkit) even if it falls a little below $3M, at least not unless the drop is disastruous.

I've asked Fargo to do a fairly detailed roundup on what funds inXile has left and how they're allocated, in a week or so.
Faceless Stranger said:
So.... anybody think Bethesda will file an injunction due to similarities with the Fallout series? It wouldn't be beyond them. :|

Since Fallout clearly borrows many concepts from Wasteland, I'm pretty sure they won't try that.
Heh, i found Chris Huelsbecks Turrican project on there, i love Turrican.

Funny thing to, entering 50,00 in to the donate thingie almost ended up with me pledging 5000 dollars.