Wasteland 2 tiers updated: game will be offered DRM-free

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
InXile has taken the feedback they have received for the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter proposed tiers on board. A few updates they have made:<blockquote>DRM Free!
The skill and weapon for supporters will not affect the game balance but will absolutely be entertaining
Added a Wasteland 2 poster to a 'light' level
Added a digital concept art book
Did a solid pass on clarification of reward levels</blockquote>DRM-free is good. Pre-order DLC being just entertaining sounds good. And the $30 tier having a digital concept art book and thus being more meaty...also sounds good.
This is why they will succeed. They are actually listening to the fans.
Sounds great! Will def go for a poster and art book
Okay, this is already sounding better than the original proposal. Still would like to hear about postal fees before putting down my money though (not that I can yet).
The poster alone makes me even more happy. I am seriously about the have a nerdgasm this year! Avengers is coming out in May, the Hobbit is in December, AND Wasteland 2 is being made! :notworthy:
And the $30 tier having a digital concept art book and thus being more meaty...also sounds good.
Yeah, like the blood sausage and the thin red paste... :D

Good to see that the team assembled for development of Wasteland 2 is creatively set :wink:
Great news. It's wonderful that they are listening to people who will support them. I have no more fears that the game will turn out bad.....for now :)
Do think they are trying to wait for word to spread about this project before launching the actual kickstarter so that they get a newsworthy rate of contributions in hopes of further publicity like Double Fine got(you know how more or less all gaming news sites carried a story about that). Not that I mind, as the more funding put towards this the better, but it is a bit cheesy. It's more reflective on how moronic news stories about "X amount of Y in Z days!!!" are than anything else though. But I guess they want to get the story out before everyone else or at least as everyone else is reporting it so they need to report as soon as possible which then in turn means stories where something happens really quickly proliferate. Seems to be our drive to prefer hearing about something first rather than reading something of quality that causes a lot of the problems with journalism and reviews.
No, it should be going up this weekend. Fargo already ensured pretty much all major gaming sites would cover it, and reached out to other industry contacts for support.
This makes me consider giving $30 instead of $15, damn I wish I had $100 to spare. The best news here is that they have taken on board exactly what's been said.

Kickstarter seems a sweet idea (I'd never heard of it before this), and this entire project seems rather refreshing.
.Pixote. said:
Why is everyone so poor around here? NMA the land of the poor people...:P


I think a lot more people are poor everywhere these days.