Wasteland 2 twitter tidbits

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Brian Fargo tweeted he and Chris Avellone will do an Ask Me Anything (an open Q&A on Reddit) on Friday.<blockquote>@Chrisavellone and myself will be doing an AMA this Friday morning for those interested.</blockquote>Chris has visited the inXile offices and had his first design talks.<blockquote>1st visit to inXile today and 1st design talks. Felt great talking to the crew and getting the "welcome aboard" handshake from @BrianFargo.</blockquote>Between the AMA and upcoming Kickstarter updates a lot more information should soon be available on things like the camera, combat and story.
egalor said:
A pretty good idea to post important tweets here, as I don't read Twitter.

I can recommend following our NMA account to people who do, obv, it doesn't only post our own news but also retweets a lot.

But obviously, for those with no interest in twitter, we will keep posting stuff like this. Just y'know, sometimes it's hard to determine what's important enough to post.

Sobboth said:
I'm glad that B.F has decided to talk about the gameplay (camera,combats).

A lot of it is still being discussed so there's a lot they can't actually "announce" as of right now, but between AMA and an upcoming indepth 10-minute video on Kickstarter, we'll soon know a lot more about camera, combat, story and more.
I know this is somewhat really early. But I am curious if they have any ideas about things that go further then Wasteland 2. I mean if it really is successful (which it already kinda is ...) would they consider to follow the Wasteland? Maybe with a third game even? As said. Kinda early think about it, but I am not expecting something like "yeah we want to make it like Mass Effect!" anyway. And who knows. It seems crowd funding is not a bad choice for this project anyway.
If this is very successful, inXile would love to keep making old-school TB party-based RPGs, like Wasteland 3, or possibly Bard's Tale IV.
Brother None said:
If this is very successful, inXile would love to keep making old-school TB party-based RPGs, like Wasteland 3, or possibly Bard's Tale IV.

A new golden era - I'm all for it. Let's all help to make this happen.
Brother None said:
If this is very successful, inXile would love to keep making old-school TB party-based RPGs, like Wasteland 3, or possibly Bard's Tale IV.

If that's the case then every kickstarter that pulls off some old school RPGs is getting several hundred from me every time.
Bard's Tale IV...

Now, with that you'll be getting me even more than with Fallout 1&2, Planescape or Arcanum.

I loved Wasteland, I'm ready to love Wasteland 2. But the Bard's Tale Trilogy
was where it all began for me. And gladly I was still in school, and had enough
time to draw all that maps. That said. I'm too old to draw maps nowadays.
I know, I should get my priorities straight and tell the woman. :P
Crni Vuk said:
I know this is somewhat really early. But I am curious if they have any ideas about things that go further then Wasteland 2. I mean if it really is successful (which it already kinda is ...) would they consider to follow the Wasteland? Maybe with a third game even? As said. Kinda early think about it, but I am not expecting something like "yeah we want to make it like Mass Effect!" anyway. And who knows. It seems crowd funding is not a bad choice for this project anyway.

BTW, isn't the purpose of this project to ultimately generate profit, which would exceed the development expenses which are now funded by the community?

If so, then no additional crowd-funding should be necessary for future WL titles, as they would be then able to fund it from profits received, no?
I am not that used with the kick starter and the funding behind it in general. I think that usual games depend very much on investors hence why there are so many times betas and tech-demos done just for the purpose of showing those to potential investors/publishers, but that is just a guess I am not a pro.

It seems projects like seen on kickstarter can save much by being somewhat independent from investors.

Though how the whole concept behind it works is something I don't know. I mean they had a "limit" a "minimum" they needed for starting the game. Now I don't know if that is the whole project and only the minimum on expenses needed for the project. Or if there is as well some "win" included. I am a bit confused. Particularly since I don't know how the distribution will work. Maybe I have to read more about it on the kickstarter page. I am sure the informations are out there somewhere. Or at least some of it.

Only time can tell though how successful Wasteland2 will be in the end. I would love to see it outperforming a few ... modern games ;) but that is I guess wishful thinking - but not unrealistic I think.
egalor said:
BTW, isn't the purpose of this project to ultimately generate profit, which would exceed the development expenses which are now funded by the community?

Ideally, yes. But do realize that people who "pre-ordered" by pledging won't be buying it again, though this is offset by the average pledge being pretty high. Still, that does cut into the game's long-term sales prospects.
It seems pretty obvious to me that Brian Fargo and Inxile are going to kickstarter to get funding for every one of their projects, likely to make the connection between themselves and their fans, so that they keep fans -invested- in the project but also keep themselves on the correct course to pleasing their fans.

Crowdfunding is brilliant after all, why stop with wasteland 2? :) if people dont fund the concept of a bards tale 4 for instance then Inxile knows that this is not what people want, and then they can try with wasteland 3 or something else and if people then fund that, THEN they know that this is where to put their resources. I'm guessing the income they're getting from bards tale on iphone and that helicopter game also goes towards funding wasteland 2 and making it a better game, so its not like they're not doing all they can to make a great rpg.
Crni Vuk said:
I am not that used with the kick starter and the funding behind it in general. I think that usual games depend very much on investors hence why there are so many times betas and tech-demos done just for the purpose of showing those to potential investors/publishers, but that is just a guess I am not a pro.

You might find some answers to that in this video which provides an analysis of the rise & fall of Bioware. At the very least it gives some ideas why Kickstarter could actually work pretty well in this (Wasteland 2) case.
There are allot variables in the cost \benefit of a game production, i have not been apart of the gaming industry formally or informally. There are 3 crucial varietals which are: Demographic, cost of game (start to finch) and finally marketing. (btw English is not my main language. sorry fore the spelling errors.)

Demography of the wasteland gamer marked is the fans of fallout 1, 2 and of course wasteland. Which has been in existence long time, which gives synergy between the games in exposure. The game sales fore fallout and fallout 2 is between 125-150k on each, later the game has generated longterm sales. The unique chase of fallout it the longevity of the sales they still generate and will generate.

Cost of game. i have no clue, although they seem to know what they are doing so probability of overshot seems small.

Marketing today is really simple cost and benefit, like a high end movie cost 200m to make so it is given 75m to marked it self. (generally 40% is put to marketing) Sometimes they use more money to marked a movie then the cost of the movie it self, like some of the Kevin Smith movies (mirmax studios). Marking is knife between Red numbers or black numbers. Games today are very much like movies where marking are big part of the process. The demographic of wasteland 2 are niche and many old fans dying to see it. Best way to promote the game is probably interviews, art work and viral marketing (you tube, social media and website ala flash games or something fun related to the game). So if they play it perfectly they may get nice number of sales but they wont become mainstream.

other factors which are not important right now since it is funded already or other means:
Enter Market how? (done in a fashion)
Upkeep costs? (patch, add ons and mod comp. this process comes after the game is out.)
Staff? (idk)
Legal Fees? (they have the license to make wasteland, although they have probably a lawyer seeing things true.)
Trademarks? (idk)
Patents? (idk)
Exit Strat? (This is done by people what knows what they are doing, hopefully they do not have to make one :).

Finlay i would just say i do not have the numbers of the sales, the hard numbers but guesstimate on similar events. So i think it has a demographic of 200-500K people that will buy the game first release and live a long time after it is done. The volume which are funding the game now should be viewed not as the main buyers (50k to 60k). It has been fun watching, the kikkstarter campaign now i hoping fore 3m or more.
chewie said:
You might find some answers to that in this video which provides an analysis of the rise & fall of Bioware.

Did I just spend several hours looking at various YouTube clips about how much the ending to Mass Effect 3 sucks?