Wasteland 2 Update #36: Early beta closing in


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
InXile released its 36th Wasteland 2 update, talking about attributes, skills and the early beta the team is close to rolling out.<blockquote>It is now October and we are close to getting this game into the hands of our beta-eligible backers. We’re currently cleaning things up, fixing the largest issues and working on a first pass of balance across Arizona. Have we mentioned that this game is massive?

The short-term plan is to continue iterating and fixing bugs found by our internal QA until the game is stable and playable through the sections we are opening up for early beta. This process will take a few more weeks. Once we get there, we will have a very small group jump in to get a feel for if it’s ready to release to our patiently waiting beta backers. The plan is to distribute the beta for Windows PC, as we know we can get standalone builds to work in Windows. We have not forgotten about our Mac and Linux backers and will soon do some tests to try to get a standalone executable for those versions as well. Many months back we tried a Mac test in Unity and it built great with about 30 minutes of clean up. If history repeats itself, those versions will be available as well for the early beta (what’s the worst that can happen, right?).

To prep for early playable, let’s talk a little bit about what we hope to give and get from you. The game will be in an early beta. Much of the systems and content will be in and working but it will be crude in some areas. Some systems won’t be fully polished, there will be weird bugs, and balance will be far from final. We will be fixing these things throughout the beta – we promise the game won’t be released before the game plays beautifully. It’s been difficult for me to get used to personally, but we’ve fully embraced getting screenshots and demo videos out before we feel they are truly ready and polished. I’m much more at peace with it now as this has helped us get great feedback early, and give us time to pivot when necessary. This early beta is no exception.

There are two major goals for us here; bug-hunting and gathering feedback on everything from mechanics to mission design to level design. We’ve enlisted the help of the great people at CenterCode to facilitate this process and make sure that we get the best feedback possible, and are able to effectively cull the large amount of information into an actionable format. It won’t be mandatory for you to opt-in to generating feedback, but we hope that you will participate as it will only improve the final product. More info on that will come as we get closer to the early beta launch.

For us, the most important thing you can do is provide us feedback. What elements do you like? What things need more work or, in your opinion, just aren’t fitting properly? We want to know what you think of our game, the writing, the flow, the mechanics…everything. We will be updating the game on a consistent basis (approximately every 2-3 weeks) and continuing to improve Wasteland 2 throughout this process.

Initially, we will be releasing the first 4 large areas and all associated COPS maps. COPS maps are smaller scenes that can be accessed through the world map and tie into the main areas. We won’t be putting the full game into beta to prevent spoilers that would become widely known before Wasteland 2 is finished. We’ll implement game-wide changes stemming from your feedback from the first areas, and continue our extensive internal bug-testing during this period.</blockquote>The team also released two new screenshots, with once again some improved graphics.



The update also talks about the attributes and skills in Wasteland 2, which has devised its own CLASSIC system -- of course named after the initials of its attributes, just like good old <s>ACELIPS</s>SPECIAL. It's a bit much to copy it all here so just head over there to see it.
The game getting look more polished every time. But personally, I prefer previous screenshots (those with sand and stuff) little bit more at the point of style.

The amount of combat skills makes me think that W2 have a wide variety of different guns. Just noticed.

We won’t be putting the full game into beta to prevent spoilers that would become widely known before Wasteland 2 is finished.
I hoped to have opportunity for the full (but buggy and unbalanced) game in October... But actually good news (likely).

Also I'm ok with the ass-trio.

Nice. I am getting more and more interested in this game.
Only I think there are too many skills, way too many skills. It might end up being confusing. Some could surely be merged into one.
Soon my post apocalyptic Mariachi toaster repair band shall stride through the wasteland! Oh wait I'm one pledge below beta access.. darn.
M1ch4l said:
Only I think there are too many skills, way too many skills. It might end up being confusing. Some could surely be merged into one.
I think it's all about the balance and collaboration of the game world and role-playing system. If some of the skills have usage only one or two times in the game world, and those usages give you only little benefit - those skills are almost useless in the game and weak at the point of balance.

Even Bursting of Balloons could be useful if a game is full of balloons and you gain much XP bursting it, for example.

Having separate skills for Picklock and Safecrack gives a clue that W2 have a lot of locked things, and having only one skill for that will make it imbalanced and overpowerful.

But I'm not sure how the skill balance works in W2. Can't wait to see it in action.
M1ch4l said:
Nice. I am getting more and more interested in this game.
Only I think there are too many skills, way too many skills. It might end up being confusing. Some could surely be merged into one.

As long as they err on the side of Wasteland 1, where putting the first point into a skill, or two at most was the most important part, with the bulk of the leveling occuring with skill usage, I think it'll turn out okay, I think. It encourage broadening your deck of skills and selecting stuff that synergized together, rather than specializing in a couple by putting all your points there.
Every time I see "Brother None is playing Wasteland 2" pop up on my Steam, I grumble in envy.
I prefer more skills to less because rhole plahing bhro.

Re-playability. We're all going to go through the game the first time with what we each view as the "perfect" party composition. Adventure over, some of us will start a new game, and experiment with parties that maybe aren't so "gifted" to see how the adventure pans out that way.

I can see the forum threads now:
New Game NO TOASTER REPAIR CHALLENGE! *How long can you survive!?* ect.
No skill system is going to be perfect, but it's nice to have something different. I really like how physical speed does not correspond exactly to action points, for example.

It just seems to me that if every skill were perfectly balanced and useful, that's stupid. In real life, most people have some skills that are really not that useful except in specific situations. That's reality. Having every skill 100% equal and perfectly balanced just makes no sense.

It's just reality. Yes a successful hero will just happen to "fortunately" be really good with a weapon, or very well coordinated. But maybe he's also really good at paddleball. How often does that come up? Probably never, but on that one occation where it does, it's funny as hell. It wouldn't be funny if it was a useful skill. "What, the gunslinging action hero also happens to be a really good fistfighter? What a humorous surprise!" Nope; not funny. Perfection isn't fun.
Cliff Clavin Backer Skill - Sounds great.

For those that don't know, Cliff Clavin is a Know-It-All character from Cheers. He has something, quite often absurd, to say about everything regardless if he actually knows anything about the subject at hand. Should offer some really good lines.

Mossed Neuronn said:
M1ch4l said:
Only I think there are too many skills, way too many skills. It might end up being confusing. Some could surely be merged into one.
I think it's all about the balance and collaboration of the game world and role-playing system. If some of the skills have usage only one or two times in the game world, and those usages give you only little benefit - those skills are almost useless in the game and weak at the point of balance.

Even Bursting of Balloons could be useful if a game is full of balloons and you gain much XP bursting it, for example.

Having separate skills for Picklock and Safecrack gives a clue that W2 have a lot of locked things, and having only one skill for that will make it imbalanced and overpowerful.

But I'm not sure how the skill balance works in W2. Can't wait to see it in action.

One of the things that I believe was mentioned in the update was that less frequently used skills will tend to have higher payoffs when a chance does arise to make use of them. And in a party game, you have four different character builds to use at once, which seems like plenty to cover your bases with if you're smart about it.

Dwarf Fortress is a much different kind of game, obviously, but it has a very wide range of skills, and IMO it just makes things more interesting. The more important question than the number of skills is how many points you'll be getting per level to raise them.

When an RPG developer asks the question 'Do we really need all this?' too many times, they end up with something like Skyrim, where all of the attributes and levelling choices have disappeared except which of three boring stats to invest a single point in. I'm excited about Wasteland bringing back more granularity.
tekhedd said:
No skill system is going to be perfect, but it's nice to have something different. I really like how physical speed does not correspond exactly to action points, for example.

It just seems to me that if every skill were perfectly balanced and useful, that's stupid. In real life, most people have some skills that are really not that useful except in specific situations. That's reality. Having every skill 100% equal and perfectly balanced just makes no sense.

It's just reality. Yes a successful hero will just happen to "fortunately" be really good with a weapon, or very well coordinated. But maybe he's also really good at paddleball. How often does that come up? Probably never, but on that one occation where it does, it's funny as hell. It wouldn't be funny if it was a useful skill. "What, the gunslinging action hero also happens to be a really good fistfighter? What a humorous surprise!" Nope; not funny. Perfection isn't fun.

I'm thinking I will make one character in my party who specializes in esoteric skills, and is otherwise totally useless.