Wasteland and other Interplay titles coming to iOS

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
UK-based developer/publisher Elite Systems has announced the delay of their Elite Collection release, which contains a bunch of old 8-bit era games. The delay allows them to add Interplay titles, including Wasteland.<blockquote>THE BARD’S TALE (I, II & III) – the acclaimed fantasy role-playing video game series based loosely on traditional Dungeons and Dragons game play and inspired by the Wizardry computer games
WASTELAND a post-apocalyptic computer role-playing game first released in 1988 and perhaps also
NEUROMANCER</blockquote>The revised date will be announced soon, you can pick up the entire package upon release for a promotional launch price (£0.69/Euro0.79/$0.99). See what else it contains here.

Thanks kgreene/Touch Arcade.
Wonder how much they have to pay for games which are basically freely available then. Truely the ipad/Ipod is ahead of its time.
Surf Solar said:
Wonder how much they have to pay for games which are basically freely available then. Truely the ipad/Ipod is ahead of its time.

1 dollar. 80 cents euro. 70 cents GBP. Not exactly an arm and a leg to play games on a medium where you otherwise could not play them on, though I dunno what the pricing will be post-opening sale.
Sweet, I was JUST looking into legit ways to play Wasteland and now I can on my iPad.

I'm sure one day we'll see fallout 1/2 on tablets as well.

How are the other titles? Is Neuromancer related to the Gibson book?

Like I was saying before, tablets are PERFECT for turn based rpgs and strategy games.
The Bard's Tales games are classics. Absolute must-plays for any RPG fans. Irreverently funny and enjoyable

Neuromancer is based on the book but don't expect too many connections plot-wise, it plays it pretty loose and fast. The brilliant Michael Stackpole worked on it.

I don't really know Dragon Wars.
If I remeber correctly, Dragon Wars was initially intended to become "The Bard's Tale IV".
Never played it, though.
Got an Ipad 2 lying round the house, might get more use out of it now as I mostly use it for a Shadowrun dice roller at the moment. :V
They don't. InXile owns the Wasteland and Bard's Tale trademarks while Electronic Arts owns the actual games.
Blooming / Looming Event Horizon?

Blooming / Looming Event Horizon?

Will the feature blending / blurring of handheld marketing,

cobble my 'Once And Future' cell phone, mp3 player, digital camera, wi-fii conduit,

not into an *adult* micro laptop,

but into yet another next-nex-gen launch pad,

of the really, really, NO REALLY, penultimate casual gaming console?


electronically evolve my passive tri-focals into reality enhancing / augmenting 5 dimensional Heads Up Display.



deconstruct into just another digital watch.


(... that plays Wasteland ;) )

I neither own any iOS device nor do I have any idea how such releases look like.

What exactly can you expect from these versions? Will the iOS Version will exactly look like the game on the dosbox? Or do they actually "improve" the game by lets say...implement better controls or sound and maybe even pimp the graphics a bit?

If it's actually an improved version of the game - is there any way to play it on the PC?
I can still remember walking square by square, drawing maps for
Bard's Tale I. Especially that one level in Mangar's Tower, that
was completely filled with darkness, anti magic fields, and
those, that changed your directions.

I guess if you have those scanned, or handy from an online source,
you're good. But can't think of succeeding Bard's Tale without it.

I don't even want to think of part III, good times in troy, berlin
and the wastelands. Ah, I just remember, the first iterations
of auto maps came up. Just dots, that showed where you've
walked on that map, in that session, as long as you didn't
leave it, but it helped a lot to know the general layout. :)
Surf Solar said:
Wonder how much they have to pay for games which are basically freely available then. Truely the ipad/Ipod is ahead of its time.

They have to do a ton of work removing Wasteland's references to external manuals (moving them in-game, perhaps? making the emulator catch them and launch browser?).

If they succeed, that would be good.
Yea, I would love to have a version of the game for the pc where the manual text is shown directly in the game. Wish the files would be more easy to modificate, then I would have tried to add the manual text to it already a long time ago.