Wasteland Update #6, $1.5M passed

I kinda like the sound of an opening movie starring Al Pacino.

I say spend money on THAT!
Some mod-tools would be really nice. Games like Deus Ex: HR and Mass Effect 3 would be played a lot longer if the community could easily change or add new content.

Sure, a lot of mods will just be plain silly or otherwise useless but I'm replaying ME2 right now and would almost pay for mods like DarnUI, MMM or FWE.

The social things could be like the bones files for Nethack (Ancient dungeon crawler game) that allowed you find the remains of your or other players previous adventurers. Nothing like getting a character killed by the ghost of one of your co-workers insanely powerful but dead characters. Or hearing the outcries in the office from the unlucky one who found your dead character on dungeon level 3, still guarded by your now hostile pet: BarbieKitten, the black disintegration-breathing dragon
Yeah, the DLC reward thing, or whatever we call it, was a bad idea, at least how it was firstly introduced without special warning like what it was purely anecdotical.
Now social thing, if he really wanted it he could have introduced the idea slowly or be more explicit right from the start.
Two obvious "communications" mistakes, so easy to avoid. Hard to understand nobody warn him. No need to be a soothsayer to see the clash coming.
Plenty of things hardcore RPG players don't like but very few they hate more than these 2 things.
Sobboth said:
Now social thing, if he really wanted it he could have introduced the idea slowly or be more explicit right from the start.
Two obvious "communications" mistakes, so easy to avoid. Hard to understand nobody warn him. No need to be a soothsayer to see the clash coming.
Plenty of things hardcore RPG players don't like but very few they hate more than these 2 things.

This only proves that some "hardcore" RPG players have the attention span of the worst casual gamers they so despise. They read the first sentence and then ragequit to flame the forums, instead of reading the entire paragraph and understanding that this system is not multiplayer, but communication between players or routing small packages through the Ranger Center. Off the top of my head, the only other PC game that allowed inter-player communication in-game was Uplink with its IRC client.

This is certainly a feature I'd like to see developed, since that can give a lot of interesting opportunities, without breaking the game.

And if another Ranger party wants to send you power armor, why not? You can always politely decline the offer.
I have read the enire update a least 3 times.
You may like it, got no problem with that but i really don't.
At least don't insult people understanding of what it is about. It's a minimum.
Got 0 problem with a feature which give the possiblity to send a power armor to a friend, or a message warning him as long it's optional and cost almost nothing to implement.
But if you spend money to do that and i can find bugs in the game, i will not be pleased.
And if it's only a small feature, i don't see why B.F would hire more staffs and dedicate funds only for that kind of thing.
So yeah i obviously have comprehension issues.
Now B.F is not doing this game for me i perfectly understand it.
... and as for me, I don't like the idea of other player's messages popping up in my game at all. I like the idea of sending items to each other even less - that sort of thing has to be taken into account with the game balance, in both cases (if players are leaving messages, it may take the place of NPCs who might otherwise have given the PC information; if players are sending items to each other, the game may be balanced for that and so players who don't get to trade lose out - certainly this was the case in the Soul's games Brian Fargo mentions - Dark & Demon's Souls feel rather lonely if you're not online). It's just unnecessary and for an old-school RPG, funded by hardcore fans... well, I'm hoping it'll be excised fairly quickly as the reaction from what I can tell is pretty negative.
Nice example for when crowdfounding shoots back.

Do something the loudest people don't approve and all the imaginary freedom [of not having to rely on a publisher] is gone.

I myself am not participating at the forums / kickstarter comments because I trust in Fargo and his team to make a nice Wasteland 2. And I like the ideas they are toying around with - even if I won't use them. (If I play computer games, I prefer singleplayer and a deactivated internet connection)

If I wanted (yet another) exact copy of Wasteland, I'd simply install it.
chewie said:
Do something the loudest people don't approve and all the imaginary freedom [of not having to rely on a publisher] is gone.

But wasn't that the point? Fargo said it over and over in the Kickstarter pitch and interview. It wasn't just getting rid of publisher feedback, it was getting rid of publisher feedback and replacing it with fan feedback.

And now the fan feedback gets negative and all of a sudden people pretend it is useless? Come on. What's the point of eliciting feedback if you're not going to listen to when people dislike an idea?
In my opinion (can't stress that enough) this feedback is useless as it is only (again, my opinion) given by the loudest people who spam forums and comments in their rage. Would it be a vote on equal foot and yet have the same result - then I'll shut up. Right now I only hear the loudest voices screaming "I don't gave my money for a feature like that!". As if this one tiny feature (namely the "social feature") would eat up all the time of the development.

At the end, Brian and his team are doing this (creating game) for a very long time. But right now I feel like people are discussing about a little mod and the decisions an unexperienced team is toying around - which is not the case.
I'm not against the idea, it has potential and he did say it would be optional. Personally I'd rather see a co-op mode, it's a party based game so the idea doesn't seem all that outlandish to me but, not sure the budget would allow for that. I'm not a developer so I wouldn't know how difficult or expensive the feature would be.

It seems like a lot of people would rather them spend the extra funding on the single player game, I suspect that will be the case no matter how high the funding gets.

Perhaps waiting to add the social feature after launch is the better way to go. I'm pretty sure Half-life 2 did this with Half-life death match. They could release it as an update along with bug fixes.
Yup, I can't really think about how it might feel in the game yet, but it's not like I am totally against it. Will see how it turns out, especially if it's optional anyway. There is way too much unneeded fuzz about it right now, imo.
I doubt BF will implement the notes idea, if he's against MP then why would he go with the notes? For example, your 'mate' might leave a note before something amazing happens and basically you read an absolute plot spoiler. That will ruin your experience, at least if you are playing co-op with a mate, you will be at the same rate of progress in the game.

But if split up, your mate or you may be miles ahead of each other because of being up at 5am.

EDIT: And to all the moody grumpy people saying they've withdrawn their backing money, wake the fuck up. This is BF, not an E/A executive. He has said time and time again, that he is only putting out ideas then checking out the fans feedback in order to make a decision. Have some faith! :wink:
SumsoluS said:
I doubt BF will implement the notes idea, if he's against MP then why would he go with the notes? For example, your 'mate' might leave a note before something amazing happens and basically you read an absolute plot spoiler. That will ruin your experience, at least if you are playing co-op with a mate, you will be at the same rate of progress in the game.

You can easily limit that by making it so that you can only leave pre-written notes or choose from message parts/words. Kinda like Fargo's inspiration in the first place, Demon's Souls.
SumsoluS said:
EDIT: And to all the moody grumpy people saying they've withdrawn their backing money, wake the fuck up. This is BF, not an E/A executive. He has said time and time again, that he is only putting out ideas then checking out the fans feedback in order to make a decision. Have some faith! :wink:

People really have done this? Wow, that's some big lol.
Lexx said:
SumsoluS said:
EDIT: And to all the moody grumpy people saying they've withdrawn their backing money, wake the fuck up. This is BF, not an E/A executive. He has said time and time again, that he is only putting out ideas then checking out the fans feedback in order to make a decision. Have some faith! :wink:

People really have done this? Wow, that's some big lol.

Yup. But looking at the current donation total, it's barely made an impact. :wink:
Maybe the guys who withdrawn their money didn't even backed the project. :>