Wasteland Update #6, $1.5M passed

I don't see what the big issue people are having with his idea of adding a social element to the game. If it is implemented, first, he said it is going to be completely optional. Second, it would be a 1 to 1 transfer, and there wouldn't be some random person sending you items and leaving you notes. So unless you have a dick of a friend that likes to ruin the story for you, I doubt you will have much to worry about.
^People on the internet tend to have kneejerk reactions to shit like this. You might be aimlessly surfing for porn when you notice something that ticks you off. Instead of taking awhile to think about it you might jump into a forum and vent off a little steam. People will be people. Once more facts are actually out about the game, discussions like this will be more fruitful. Everything up to this point has been brainstorming it seems. Fargo has preached against the BS that EA, Bioware, and other companies have pulled, so why would he go and sell his soul to the devil to piss the fans off? Why would he implement something that most people are against, when we are funding the fucking project? Why would he turn Wasteland 2 into Demon Souls? Was that the old school gameplay we were looking for? Fuck no. He is throwing ideas out there, gauging our reaction, and taking notes. If anyone withdrew their money they were probably too immature to grasp Wasteland 2 anyway.

I loved Fallout 3, so I will really love Wasteland 2!!!11 :lol:

The note taking stuff is not that big a deal. If anyone has a major issue with it then I suggest they take it over to the W2 forums, and voice their concerns respectfully.
Or voice it here. And speaking of respectful, stop heaping everyone who is critical of this into one pile of unthinking, rabid people. That's really weak.
I think that some form of social interaction with other people could be interesting if it's done properly, so I'll wait for more info.

Uplink had one form of social interaction with other players. Ingame you could buy some form of IRC client and connect to the net from within the game and chat with other "hackers" who are currently playing. It worked very well for a futuristic hacker simulation. Something like that could be implemented in W2, for example, when you're in the Ranger Center. Optional ofc.
i just had a thought

remember how in the older might and magic games where you had to learn certain skills for certain things to be unlocked like your map or walking over a stream or compass and stuff..

what if something like that was added, and while there were npcs around to train you those skills, one thing you could do is like go to the range center and get trained from players who got those skills and are offering their services to train your chars?
TheWesDude said:
i just had a thought

remember how in the older might and magic games where you had to learn certain skills for certain things to be unlocked like your map or walking over a stream or compass and stuff..

what if something like that was added, and while there were npcs around to train you those skills, one thing you could do is like go to the range center and get trained from players who got those skills and are offering their services to train your chars?

I like that idea, but to me it'd remain optional and not necessary for plot advancement. They could teach outdoors, terraforming, engineering and other useful skills which they learned the hard way, making money of it.

This could be done as a lounge in the Ranger Center where players could meet and seek for trainers, or less interactively, by some sort of market interface where one could put up an offer of training others on a certain skill, or put up an offer of purchasing training for a certain skill.

I thinkjust adding social aspects doesn't seem like a lot to do with another half a million of funding. I'm confident they'll add a lot more of depth to the game with that much money.