Aug 6, 2022 #21 T TorontoReign Guest Yeah that little downpour we had did nothing. I can roll around outside and get a bunch of sand fleas I guess.
Yeah that little downpour we had did nothing. I can roll around outside and get a bunch of sand fleas I guess.
Aug 20, 2022 #22 Crni Vuk M4A3 Oldfag oTO Orderite It's been raining almost non stop for the last 2-3 days now!
Aug 20, 2022 #23 Hassknecht For hate's sake. Staff member Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite Here's it's stopping every once in a while. Pretty nice.
Aug 20, 2022 #24 Crni Vuk M4A3 Oldfag oTO Orderite Well, with only one issue though. It has been so much rain in such a short time, streets look like small lakes now.
Well, with only one issue though. It has been so much rain in such a short time, streets look like small lakes now.
Aug 23, 2022 #25 T TorontoReign Guest Death Valley got so much rain they did not know what to do with it. 6 months worth!
Aug 23, 2022 #26 william dempsey Veteran of the psychic wars. [REDACTED] Reminds me of that song : When the levee breaks.