I have searched in this forum and using Google, I cannot find information on weapon perks. These are perks assigned to specific weapons in their proto file, these are NOT the perks a player chooses during the game.
I was hoping to find a list of them and a description of what each one does.
The weapon perks I am aware of:
Weapon Long Range --- possible bonus or limit weapon use to long range??? if bonus, how much???
Weapon Knockback --- causes weapon to always knockback target or increased chance??? if increased chance, how much???
Weapon Accurate --- causes weapon to always be 100% accurate or increase accuracy??? if increased accuracy, how much???
Weapon Penetrate --- causes hit to ignore armor threshold or resistance or both, or increase chance to???
Weapon Scope Range --- causes weapon with scope to increase range always, by a percentage or amount??? how much???
Weapon Fast Reload --- weapon ignores reload action point cost???
Weapon Flameboy --- causes weapon to only be able to use MK II fuel or just increase fire damage???
Weapon Night Sight --- causes weapon to increase accuracy at night or range??? how much???
Weapon Enhanced Knockout --- weapon always knocks out target or increases chance??? if increased chance, how much???
I was hoping to find a list of them and a description of what each one does.
The weapon perks I am aware of:
Weapon Long Range --- possible bonus or limit weapon use to long range??? if bonus, how much???
Weapon Knockback --- causes weapon to always knockback target or increased chance??? if increased chance, how much???
Weapon Accurate --- causes weapon to always be 100% accurate or increase accuracy??? if increased accuracy, how much???
Weapon Penetrate --- causes hit to ignore armor threshold or resistance or both, or increase chance to???
Weapon Scope Range --- causes weapon with scope to increase range always, by a percentage or amount??? how much???
Weapon Fast Reload --- weapon ignores reload action point cost???
Weapon Flameboy --- causes weapon to only be able to use MK II fuel or just increase fire damage???
Weapon Night Sight --- causes weapon to increase accuracy at night or range??? how much???
Weapon Enhanced Knockout --- weapon always knocks out target or increases chance??? if increased chance, how much???