weapon perks? is there a list with descriptions?


Vault Dweller
I have searched in this forum and using Google, I cannot find information on weapon perks. These are perks assigned to specific weapons in their proto file, these are NOT the perks a player chooses during the game.

I was hoping to find a list of them and a description of what each one does.

The weapon perks I am aware of:
Weapon Long Range --- possible bonus or limit weapon use to long range??? if bonus, how much???
Weapon Knockback --- causes weapon to always knockback target or increased chance??? if increased chance, how much???
Weapon Accurate --- causes weapon to always be 100% accurate or increase accuracy??? if increased accuracy, how much???
Weapon Penetrate --- causes hit to ignore armor threshold or resistance or both, or increase chance to???
Weapon Scope Range --- causes weapon with scope to increase range always, by a percentage or amount??? how much???
Weapon Fast Reload --- weapon ignores reload action point cost???
Weapon Flameboy --- causes weapon to only be able to use MK II fuel or just increase fire damage???
Weapon Night Sight --- causes weapon to increase accuracy at night or range??? how much???
Weapon Enhanced Knockout --- weapon always knocks out target or increases chance??? if increased chance, how much???
Only one I know off the top of my head is the Accuracy one, which is +20 (for the Mauser). At least I'm pretty sure about that one.

Sorry that I haven't gotten round to building your formula by the way, my Visual Studios demo expired, so I have to find some alternative. Unless you already did it yourself of course.

EDIT: Okay, checked the to hit pseudocode and the accuracy one is indeed +20. The night sight I think sets light levels to daylight, but I'm not sure (if (weapon_perk == night_sight) light=0x10000;). The weapon range/scope perks decide the distance mod (that is, after how many hexes the penalty starts); for long range it's 4*PE-2 and with the scopes it's 5 or 8*PE-2 (regular PE for npc's).

EDIT2: Couple more I (think I) remembered:

Flameboy doesn't do anything.
Penetrate does auto-bypass (so 1/5 DT and DR) I think.
Fast Reload is 1 instead of 2 AP.
Glovz said:
The weapon perks I am aware of:

Scoped, iirc, means that you have better ToHit at long range but huge penalties at close range.
Also, Fast Reload means the reload cost is 1AP instead of 2, iirc again.
Hmmm... there is a mystery value in the original damage calculation that I think may be related to a weapon perk.

Do you know when is the Penetrate perk applied?

If the devs attempted to apply this 1/5 off through the damage calculation the same way they screwed up applying the ammo divisor value then this might be it.

I will have to ask Timeslip to confirm.

I haven't attempted to compile the version I sent you because I began to re-examine things and refactor the code I wrote and changed a few things.

I will start a new thread soon that will explain things and have a link to a rough damage calculation emulator I mocked up in html/javascript.
Just some digging:

Kanhef mentioned in the engine exploration thread that the penetrate perk was part of compute_damage.

Atom mentions in this thread That armor bypassing and the weapon penetrate perk don't stack (at least that's what I think he means).

Then again, you replied a lot to both of these threads, so you might already know these things. :P
Yup, the DT modifier of armor bypassing critical hits and Weapon Penetrate don't stack, i.e. it's not (ADT/5)/5 = ADT/25.
When using a weapon with Penetrate perk scoring an armor bypassing critical hit, the final DT in damage calculation will be (ADT/5 + ADT/25).
Actually making weapons with Penetrate perk perform less effectively than normal weapons in armor bypassing critical hits. But since there's only one enemy in FO2 has DT higher than 25, I think the problem could be omitted.

I found this when I was trying to verify damage/to-hit formulas. I use a custom CriticalOverrides.ini to force all critical hits being armor bypassing.

Both Weapon Long Range & Weapon Scope Range perks have some interesting behavior/effects in to-hit calculation. Like if FO2 player has PE more than 5 and use weapons with Long Range perk, the to-hit chance won't be increased (i.e. not effected by range anymore) when the range is equal or less than (PE*2)-8.
I've written a long list of formulas for the to-hit calculation of ranged attacks in all conditions, but it's in Chinese.
I wish the links to the files Kanhef created were still active.

I believe the adjustments to armor threshold and armor resistance happen earlier in the code than the section I'm working with. I just need Timeslip to confirm that one question I asked over in the FO2 Engine Tweaks.

If I can get the next version of my mod to work correctly (the subtraction loops have me worried), then things will get better. I will offer more details relatively soon.
Glovz said:
If I can get the next version of my mod to work correctly (the subtraction loops have me worried), then things will get better. I will offer more details relatively soon.
I think you might need to take custom ammo dividend/divisor into consideration, unless your mod is only intended for vanilla ammo value.
Like if I try to make an 5mm FMJ and set its dmg mod to 6/5, with the new calculation you propose earlier the result damage of 5mm FMJ will be much higher than it should be.
NovaRain said:
Glovz said:
If I can get the next version of my mod to work correctly (the subtraction loops have me worried), then things will get better. I will offer more details relatively soon.
I think you might need to take custom ammo dividend/divisor into consideration, unless your mod is only intended for vanilla ammo value.
Like if I try to make an 5mm FMJ and set its dmg mod to 6/5, with the new calculation you propose earlier the result damage of 5mm FMJ will be much higher than it should be.
Hmmm... if I can even get this division by subtraction to work how I want in Assembly then I should be able to build in the flexibility of ammo X and Y values allowable from 1-9 respectively.

I'll keep it in mind. :)
These were tested with the latest RP beta and Haenlomal's ammo mod (not sure if the values differ on vanilla):

Weapon Flameboy --- normally a critter needs to get hit with 45 damage when killed for the "running burning man" animation to play, with this perk you only need to score a hit of 15.

Weapon Night Sight --- sets light levels to daylight, or nullifies the to hit chance penalty, whichever way you want to see it.

Weapon Enhanced Knockout --- Every critical hit (even 0 damage) knocks out the target. Wikia also claims the following: "Characters with 9 ST have a 1% chance of causing knockout on a regular hit. Characters with 10 ST have a 2% chance of causing knockout on a regular hit."

Weapon Knockback --- knocked back 1 hex per 5 damage points caused. A damage of 26 would be 5 hexes knocked back.

Weapon Knockback only works for melee it seems. The two boxing gloves have the knock back perk and it does nothing, which is a bit ironic as the devs gave you a different pair just to avoid knockbacks while boxing. Makes me wonder if the boxing gloves where really meant to use the enhanced knockout perk instead, or if it was just the creator of the boxing fights that thought they did?