Vindicator Minigun Burst:
25 x 4.7 mm Caseless (x1.5 Damage)
14-19 Damage (16.5 Average)
25 * (16.5 * 1.5 - DT) = [618.75 (-25 * DT)] * (1 - DR)
Bozar Burst:
15 x .223 FMJ (x1 Damage)
25-35 Damage (30 Average)
15 * (30 * 1 - DT) = [450 (-15 * DT)] * (1 - DR)
(where DT is the opponent's armor Damage Threshold, and DR the Damage Resistance)
The Vindicator should be superior, however, against heavily armored targets, the Damage Threshold devastates this weapon's damage (can be sort of bypassed with the Bonus Ranged Damage and Living Anatomy Perks however). The Bozar, on the other hand, has a higher average, and it's ammo is more abundant and cheaper, lasting you longer.
Let's take an example against a fictitious Enclave Guard, who's wearing Advanced Power Armor Mk II (18 DT/0.6 DR against Normal):
Vindicator: [618.75 (-25 * 18)] * (1 - 0.6) = 67.5 Damage
Bozar: [450 (-15 * 18)] * (1 - 0.6) = 72 Damage
The Bozar is more effective! Even if you pick 2 x Bonus Ranged Damage ...
Vindicator: [768.25 (-25 * 18)] * (1 - 0.6) = 127.3 Damage
Bozar: [510 (-15 * 18)] * (1 - 0.6) = 96 Damage
... the Vindicator wins by a meager 32% damage increase (thank the lizard for this one), which is not enough to kill the 150 HP guard.
Then again, you normally wouldn't pick those perks unless you're going all the way along with 10 Agility, Fast Shot, Bonus Rate of Fire, Sniper and 2 x Action Boy. However, since you'll probably be picking Sniper near the end you should be getting some nasty burst criticals; which probably means the Vindicator is overkill.
So go for the Bozar.