Weapons in Fallout 3


[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-01 AT 10:40PM (GMT)[p]Is the NATO round used for medium to large type machineguns, which is VERY hard to be held at shoulder height (since that's the accurate way of holding a machine gun). The current light machine gun being used by the Army and the Marine Corps. (since the 1980's) is the M249, which was produced by Fabrique Nationale. It uses the 5.56 NATO round, to simplify logistics along with the M16 A2. There's also the M240G Light Machine Gun, which DOES use 7.62 NATO round, thought the damage is best for lightly armored vehicles, not humans...

BTW, the 5.56mm round is the same as the .233in. round used in Fallout's hunting rifles and sniper rifles.
RE: The war was in 2077

Well, actually, the weapons probably would change since the people of the future are able to just get up after a hit to the eye with a desert eagle and say"Ouch".
RE: The war was in 2077

>Well, actually, the weapons probably would
>change since the people of
>the future are able to
>just get up after a
>hit to the eye with
>a desert eagle and say"Ouch".

*Laugh* Yeah, an "old" Desert Eagle would blow half your face off if it hit you in the eye.


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RE: 7.62mm

<sigh> We know, we know... Just convert from inches to millimeters...

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

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No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
Uh, .3?

[img align=center" src="//redrival.com/aptyp/ftclogo-t.gif]

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No trash-talking, lower-case prone, ignorant, self-centered, 'in-your-face', 'i-am-always-right-so-you-can-suck-my-dick', 'shit-for-brains' idiots allowed.
seriously, more revolvers!

id like to see a combo weapon thingy. i mena in F2 wasnt there supposed to be a grenade launcher attachment? was there? no! lets see that!!!

i also would like to see one of those dehydraters like in tank girl. terrible movie great idea.

and for energy weapons keep the amount there is now.

also make a random stats generator that renders stats for each gun/armor/stimpack when entering town/random encounter

You guys make it sound as if .308 is *the* riffle round. There aren't that many sniper riffles that use it. A lot of riffles are chambered for .3006.
RE: .308

If you want to see a huge ammount of guns in a game that does not imbalance then look at Jagged Alliance 2. When played on the tons of guns mode it does not mean that you will see a greated quantity of gns but a greater variety of guns. I can not say enough about how i loved that feature. Rifles, revolvers pistols and a sh*t load of different types of ammo for each. All of the guns had different stats based on the real thing and though some of them were similiar... it did not get redundant. Not only that but you could also shoot with both hands if the guns were small enough and ..... well just see what I mean, it is an awsome game.

and I agree with others here that there should overall be a smaller ammount of guns to be found.. especially the high tech ones. In order to acomplish that you would have to tweak the game balnce so that melee combat is more practical so that you would not have to equip your enemies with super powerful weapons in order to make them deadly. And maybe come up with more one-use weapons like the molatovs so that your character would sustain damage and would not be able reuse the wepons he finds on others later. Guns should jam and break more often ...especially given the age of the guns and the envirionment we are talking about(it aint' exactly clean)and A LOT LESS AMMO in general (quantity) and more variety of ammo. What good is that gun if you do not have any ammo for it, only for your puny automatic which constantly jams. BTW automatic guns in general should be less useful since they would jam a WHOLE LOT more. This would make single shot rifles and pistols and revolvers a lot more sought after.

Also it would be cool if the guns would emit radiation so that awsome gun you picked up near a nuclear crater would also impart massive ammounts of rads on you.... dilema.... do I keep the cool gun and blow away my enemies or do I discard it and stop my teeth and hair from falling out???;} It might give ghoul characters and enemies an edge since they would not have to worry about such nonsense.

//It is berry skarry faiting tha snake.
RE: .308

radiation emitting guns? now ive heard everything. i do like the idea of gamma rays as a weapon.
RE: .308

>and I agree with others here
>that there should overall be
>a smaller ammount of guns
>to be found.. especially the
>high tech ones. In
>order to acomplish that you
>would have to tweak the
>game balnce so that melee
>combat is more practical so
>that you would not have
>to equip your enemies with
>super powerful weapons in order
>to make them deadly.

I'm thinking melee combat should cause a LOT more critical hits, because of its nature (close combat). Also, nifty modes would be nice ("human shield", "disarm", "instant knockout").

>And maybe come up with
>more one-use weapons like the
>molatovs so that your character
>would sustain damage and would
>not be able reuse the
>wepons he finds on others
>later. Guns should jam
>and break more often ...especially
>given the age of the
>guns and the envirionment we
>are talking about(it aint' exactly

Nah... If weapons will deteriorate with each shot, they will have a limited life. If the whole point of jamming/breaking is to make a player not to get too attached to that super-duper machine gun.

>clean)and A LOT LESS AMMO
>in general (quantity) and more
>variety of ammo. What
>good is that gun if
>you do not have any
>ammo for it, only for
>your puny automatic which constantly
>jams. BTW automatic guns
>in general should be less
>useful since they would jam
>a WHOLE LOT more.
>This would make single shot
>rifles and pistols and revolvers
>a lot more sought after.

Again, maybe automatic/burst mode should cause more damage to gun's 'life line'.

>Also it would be cool if
>the guns would emit radiation
>so that awsome gun you
>picked up near a nuclear
>crater would also impart massive
>ammounts of rads on you....
>dilema.... do I keep the
>cool gun and blow away
>my enemies or do I
>discard it and stop my
>teeth and hair from falling
>out???;} It might give
>ghoul characters and enemies an
>edge since they would not
>have to worry about such

Cool idea, but I doubt anyone will implement it because it doesn't add much to the gameplay. Moreover, what's the point of raiding an anscient top-secret hightech military installation if you can't use any of the equipment?!

[hr width=440]
[p align=center]
http://fallout.gamestats.com/forum/User_files/3aa70eb96ee16565.gif[/p][p align=center][font color=FF00FF face=fixedsys]- Why hello there, Ranger -
[font color=00DD00 face=fixedsys]- (Sigh) Go away! -[/p]
RE: .308

>radiation emitting guns? now ive heard
>everything. i do like the
>idea of gamma rays as
>a weapon.

NOT AS A WEAPON $%&&*@!$##*!!!!!!!

As a draw back. If you have a pistol or a rifle that you pulled you of some green goo the it would make sense that the weapon would be eradiated and that YOU AS THE USER OF SAID WEAPON would absorb radiation from it. I thought I was pretty clear. This would make some really powerful weapons virtually useless depending on how eradiared they were since they would slowly KILL YOU AS YOU CARRIED THEM.


//It is berry skarry faiting tha snake.
RE: .308

I think it would add to the gameplay. Especially in the beginning when you do not have much equipment. If you need to eliminate some tough guy and you do not have the means to do it then you might opt to go back to that place where you saw the glowing SMG just so you could use it that one time. It is all about risk. Bessides it would deffinitaly improve the reality of the setting since yu can not deny that this would be a common problem with weapons.
And as far as that cache of high tech weapons in that old base.... well who said there would be no way of removing said radiation??


//It is berry skarry faiting tha snake.
RE: .308

i know what youre saying. i honeslty dont see anything fun about a gun that would give its user the runs.
It looks to me like the, now pardon me for being a bit overbearing, but the one weapon that would survive WW3 is not being mentioned. That weapon is the SKS Carbine. It is _extremely_ durable, rugged, simple, and easy to operate. There are over _one million_ of them in the U.S. alone and fire the common and inexpensive (at least in most parts of the world) 7.62X39 cartridge that is used in the AK-47. They come with many variants (and should be modifiable in the game!) and are lethal to 200 metres. For more info, go to
True. But if they have FN FALs and Tommy Guns and friggin Mausers(!) hundreds of years after 2077, then SKSs are not out of the question. (Hell, their construction is far more durable than many American weapons, even the M16, so age doesn't really matter that much since there are not any plastics, only steel, and the stocks are polymers.)