Weather effects

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Does anyone else think its weird that there are large amounts of water in the game but no rain. I'm thinking of a acid rain storm or lightning or sandstorms. Giant sandstorms would definitely add to the atmosphere of the game.
Perhaps. I would like to see it. I am wondering what everyone thinks. I don't remember hearing too much about weather in the old Fallout's.
Any reference to this anywhere?
They mention dust storms quite a few times in Fallout 3.

Yet, you never see one.

The closest thing to weather I've seen was a little dirt devil and I'm not too sure whether I actually saw it because I was tired as hell at the time.
the only weather in fallout 3 are those "wisps" of dusts that are supposed to be dust storms.

weather was also strangely absent from oblivion too - but not morrowind.

I'd really like someone who knows about modding weather to get to work on this.
Weather wasn't absent from Oblivion. I know lots of mods were made to add weather to Oblivion I just hope they do it for Fallout.
yes and no :\ weather in oblivion was basically just sound and clouds. In morrowind atleast, it included a little more.
One key t hing about sandstorms though - and duststorms - is they produce alot of friction from the particles rubbing against each other, which releases alot of electrical energy. Robots would get fried in such storms, and you might get fried too.

It doesn't take much for this to happen either. Mars has so little atmosphere that uncovered, you would not be able to feel the duststorm's winds blowing on your hand... yet the friction is enough to create electrical storms that would damage or destroy equipment, not to mention kill you.
I'd like to see just some regular weather put in. Even seasonal stuff. Rainstorms, thunderstorms (with lightning! maybe add in the possibility of getting struck!) in the summer and spring. Snow in the winter.

What I'd really like to see is a mod that makes F3 fit in closer with reality and F2: Regrown trees and vegetation (there were plenty of trees and bushes in fallout 2, think arroyo and the wilderness), and a much lower radiation level for many of the bodies of water in the game. Sure, a nuclear apocalypse is a force to be reckoned with, but mother nature is a though pot to crack, if you know what I mean.

I know the game is supposed to be designed with a complete destruction type of feel, but after 200 years, things just wouldn't be that desolate. I think fallout 3's level of desolation would fit better in fallout 1's time frame.

Sorry, don't want to hijack the thread, read the first part of the post!!
The whole electric-field effect of dust storms is an interesting idea, but would make it hard to explain how there are still so many robots wandering around. They could be protected really well against the storms, but I'd imagine a lot of them would get worn down over the years. Maybe add in some robot husks lying around?
It would be interesting to see weather effects in the game, but with a slightly bizarre twist, during rain the sky could turn a sickly soft green, sort of like the area surrounding Megaton after you detonate the bomb, and the rain would be very patchy and isolated, slight pattering on the ground while this greenish-gray haze surrounds you, perhaps a slight fog. All due to the fact that all the water is irradiated of course.

With a revised soundtrack the atmosphere would be perfect.
and we would take radiation damage from the rain then huh?

would make it usefull to wear the radiaton/Enviroment suit
It looks to me like some people want similar effect to emisions from Clear Sky... :) sorry but its bad idea first its random can happen even twice in a row and your just sitting in hole waiting for it to go boring...
Wheelbarrow said:
I'd like to see just some regular weather put in. Even seasonal stuff. Rainstorms, thunderstorms (with lightning! maybe add in the possibility of getting struck!) in the summer and spring. Snow in the winter.

The whole electric-field effect of dust storms is an interesting idea, but would make it hard to explain how there are still so many robots wandering around

My first mod will be deleting all those robots wondering around for no reason.
I concur, we need weather, one thing I enjoyed in oblivion was the effective rain with music.

Maybe use the same rain file from oblivion?
Sandstorms and Thunder-Storms would be cool, I think. But not rain, snow,... because it wouldn't fit to the rotten wasteland.
Yes, normal rain and snow wouldn't fit the rotten wasteland atmosphere that bethesda has created.

Therein lies the problem. The setting of the game is very far fetched and unrealistic for being 200 years after the war. 200 years is a very long time.

So, as stated in my previous post, normal weather would fit in better as part of a larger mod to make the world in F3 more realistic and in line with the other fallouts.

Duststorms and radioactive rain work nicely for what we have to work with in vanilla F3 though.

Also, consider this. If you have rain and weather cycles beginning to start up as soon as the nuclear winter subsides a couple or more years after the war, that means plants will begin growing again. Mutated mabye, but they will grow.

Remember the mutated fruit you could find in Fallout 2?
Putting trees and plants back into F3 brings new possibilities for mods, etc. You could have orchards, pick fruit off of trees in the wasteland for free food, etc.

One more thing about weather in Fallout.
Remember Arroyo and Modoc in Fallout 2? They both had drought problems during that game. Which means it definitely rained. So to keep things in line with Canon and reality, F3 should have rain.

This may be something that could be put into the NMA compilation mod as a natural environments type enhancement later on.