Webcomic: "The Wandering Ones"

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
Recently its been brought to my attention that there exists online a rather good webcomic thats post-apocalyptic and makes good on incorporating that theme into the story.

The Wandering Ones

Its the story of a group of scouts who are part of a nation of survivors. They get involved with the other surviving groups after a plague kills most of humanity and whats left fights for survival.

I know how most feel about webcomics and I can say one thing that will dispel any doubt. I've read it 1/4 the way through already and like it very much!

I would have liked to post a story summary, but I couldnt find one on the site and I dont feel comfortable telling much more since it would really ruin it.

Special thanks to the valued member Monsharen for alerting NMA to this webcomic.

The Vault Dweller
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Its the story of a group of scouts who are part of a nation of survivors. They get involved with the other surviving groups after a plague kills most of humanity and whats left fights for survival.
This sounded decent... Unfortunately, you forgot to mention the tribal rejects who talk to wolves, summon spirits and have visions. And how the whole story is based around them.

TVD said:
I know how most feel about webcomics and I can say one thing that will dispel any doubt. I've read it 1/4 the way through already and like it very much!
That didn't dispel anything, it just made me abnormally suspicious because you seem to be positive about anything and everything. Hypity Hype?

I like webcomics. I read 23 of them on a regular basis, and that's increasing as I find more good ones.
Sure, there are a lot of rubbish ones out there, but I simply don't bother with them- and neither do the majority of readers. There are a lot of shitty newspaper comics and comic books too. The only difference is that on the internet, even shit can find an audience, however small...

Which brings me to the comic you're plugging.

This is a webcomic that's pretending to be a newspaper comic, complete with a ripoff of Prince Valiant-esque artwork. It's a poor approximation of PV's (now) throwback style, and it rarely takes any advantage of the perks of working digitally... and the artwork actually seems to get worse over time. Incredible. A reject from both worlds.
Oh, and the comic itself is pure ham. That wouldn't really matter if it wasn't boring, which it is..
Maybe I "didn't read far enough in". I usually give story-based comics about six months in their archives to draw me in (unless they're really terrible). I gave this one a year, and it still couldn't.

There are FAR better webcomics than this out there, though that's not really true if you're stuck on the post-apocalyptic genre.

But you know what? People can read whatever they want, and that's the beauty of webcomics- There's a lot of "whatever" out there.
*looks around*

Where are the rotting zombies? The radioactive puddles? Fonz raiders? Plasma guns?

I saw the Wandering Ones in a free webcomic week giveaway from Keenspot once, they struck me as extremely boring with some godawful writing.

I might read a bit of it some day, but not soon, I'm just done reading the archives of Achewood which is just way too great to be followed up by some half-arsed comic.

Liebot, what is the saddest thing?

what if this is a thing, man? WHAT IF THIS IS A THING?!
Okay, elemental magic, a mystic circle to behold a demon,
timetravelling, ancient spirits arise to reenforce the lone traveller...
That's getting too much, liked the first ones, just for the light read,
but that is going to be as standard as it can be...