Weeaboos vs Sinophiles: The Final Battle


Cryptid oTO
Board Cop oTO
Cimmerian Nights said:
Off Topic: Either way you call it Suppuku, Hara-Kiri, it's one of the most intense movies I've ever seen in my life. If you need something to occupy yourself for a few hours, and you have the ability to put 2 and 2 together, watch it immediately.

Agreed. If you're talking about the 1962 film, its one of the best movies I've seen. Very well executed, great directing, and yes very intense. If you're going to watch a Japanese film, let it be Harakiri.
Wasn't harakiri/seppuku mostly just for Samurais and the occasional Daimyo, as well? I doubt a chinese general would commit a japanese warriors' ritual of restoring one's honor through suicide. Well, wouldn't surprise me if Beth did not know/care about something like that :roll:

Anyway, not much use reading that article seeing how uninformative and silly it was.
Bofast said:
Wasn't harakiri/seppuku mostly just for Samurais and the occasional Daimyo, as well?
Samurai was a social class, not a position and all daimyo were samurai, so yes, they did. Also yes, seppuku was a ritual which only samurai could preform. It's quite stupid to make a Chinese general preform the act for a large number of reasons so it's yet another big fuck up on the part of Bethesda.
Alphadrop said:
The feck up started by giving the Chinese swords in the first place.
They didn't use them that much in the second world war so quite why they are using them in the future is pretty baffling.
It wouldn't surprise me if someone at Bethesda mixed up the Chinese and the Japanese since the Japanese did carry swords in WWII.
UncannyGarlic said:
Bofast said:
Wasn't harakiri/seppuku mostly just for Samurais and the occasional Daimyo, as well?
Samurai was a social class, not a position and all daimyo were samurai, so yes, they did. Also yes, seppuku was a ritual which only samurai could preform. It's quite stupid to make a Chinese general preform the act for a large number of reasons so it's yet another big fuck up on the part of Bethesda.

You're wrong, actually. Samurai aren't the only people that could preform seppuku - even today, for example, if a professional sumo referee makes a wrong call, he is obligated to commit seppuku.

When an outsider (not of japanese origin) does the act, it is called harikari instead of seppuku.

The Chinese have the same sense of honor as the japanese. Remember the lead paint toys from china fiasco we had? Well, the chinese manager of the factory that made the lead paint toys commited harikari to restore honor to his family name.

So there is nothing wrong with the chinese general doing it.
armagetiton said:
When an outsider (not of japanese origin) does the act, it is called harikari instead of seppuku.

From Wikipedia, quoting a book on the subject: "It is commonly pointed out that hara-kiri is a vulgarism, but this is a misunderstanding. Hara-kiri is a Japanese reading or Kun-yomi of the characters, as it became customary to prefer Chinese readings in official announcements only the term seppuku was ever used in writing. So hara-kiri is a spoken term and seppuku a written term for the same act."

armagetiton said:
Well, the chinese manager of the factory that made the lead paint toys commited harikari to restore honor to his family name.

He committed ritual suicide with a sword?
Ah, guess I'm wrong on the difference between harikari and seppuku then - that was just what I came to understand when I learned about it.

As for the chinese manager, I don't know the exact details of how he did it. I just distinctly remember reading somewhere that he commited harikari.

edit: found an article. He killed himself by hanging, guess I was wrong there too :( Some other article I read suggested it was harikari though.

At least I'm correct on the sumo referee part :P They carry a dagger with them for that sole purpose.

That teaches me to post about crap I'm not 100% on before checking a source, anyway.
armagetiton said:
You're wrong, actually. Samurai aren't the only people that could preform seppuku - even today, for example, if a professional sumo referee makes a wrong call, he is obligated to commit seppuku.
Traditionally speaking, samurai were the only class who could commit seppuku but when the class system in Japan was dissolved, traditions integrated. Could anyone with the proper equipment in Japan have killed themselves in the same ritualistic manner? Yes but if they weren't samurai then they didn't preserve their honor and, I'd presume, would in fact loose honor for acting outside their class.

armagetiton said:
So there is nothing wrong with the chinese general doing it.
The Chinese and Japanese don't particularly like each other, in fact the Chinese loathe the Japanese so preforming a Japanese ritual would be extremely offensive. There is a lot wrong with a Chinese general preforming seppuku and if nothing else, the cultural hatred is reason enough.
armagetiton said:
You're wrong, actually. Samurai aren't the only people that could preform seppuku - even today, for example, if a professional sumo referee makes a wrong call, he is obligated to commit seppuku.
Vestigial, ceremonial claptrap at best. When did this ever happen?

armagetiton said:
The Chinese have the same sense of honor as the japanese.
No they don't.

Remember the lead paint toys from china fiasco we had? Well, the chinese manager of the factory that made the lead paint toys commited harikari to restore honor to his family name.
Dude, that was right after some gov't official was executed for taking bribes.
armagetiton said:
At least I'm correct on the sumo referee part :P They carry a dagger with them for that sole purpose.
Only the top two ranking gyoji (referees) do so and it is a symbol of their dedication and seriousness. Instead of committing seppuku they instead offer their resignation to the chairman of the Japan Sumo Association if their decision as to the victor is overturned by the judges.

Is there any mention of hari kari in the FO3 dialogue? It could just be the article writer's miscommunication, I suppose.
Of said:
Is there any mention of hari kari in the FO3 dialogue? It could just be the article writer's miscommunication, I suppose.
According to warsaw the author is using exotic language to incorrectly describe the events in the game.
warsaw said:
the dialogue says nothing about committing harikiri so much as him not wanting to be taken prisoner, and so, in turn, he commits suicide. which is dumb. why would you program an enemy that listens to reason? kinda defeats the point.
I didn't miss Warsaw's comment, just wanted to corroborate it with somebody else's experience or even a transcript of the dialogue. If it is just the author's exotic language, then this whole hari kari discussion is silly. If we want to prove that the author of the article is an idiot, we need look no further than the fact that he is positively reviewing, not only FO3, but worthless F03 DLCs.

Talking about the nuances of hari kari and Japanese versus Chinese culture is fine, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a mistake in F03's dialogue (as much as I would like it to be).
Yeah no use piling on Bethesda if it's the writer who took it upon himself to call any Asian guy killing himself hara-kiri.
Hey at least he didn't say "Harry Carey".
Of said:
I didn't miss Warsaw's comment, just wanted to corroborate it with somebody else's experience or even a transcript of the dialogue. If it is just the author's exotic language, then this whole hari kari discussion is silly. If we want to prove that the author of the article is an idiot, we need look no further than the fact that he is positively reviewing, not only FO3, but worthless F03 DLCs.

Talking about the nuances of hari kari and Japanese versus Chinese culture is fine, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a mistake in F03's dialogue (as much as I would like it to be).

there's no direct mention of harikiri or seppuku in the FO3 dialogue, but he does stab himself in the stomach with the sword.
Cimmerian Nights said:
Yeah no use piling on Bethesda if it's the writer who took it upon himself to call any Asian guy killing himself hara-kiri.

Does anyone think a 12-year-old ( Beth’s target group) would know the difference between Asian cultures?
Chinese, Japanese, Korean is all Asian to them.

And to paraphrase a well known motto.
Bethesda Game Studios: by juvenile minds for Juveniles (with deep pockets).

( why bother Beth, keep it going the same PR way and let the bucks flow in)