We're Out

I watched House of Saddam, a docudrama from the UK and got an idea of how Iraq was before the first Desert Storm, and how coalition sanctions ruined that country, and I have no sympathy for the occupiers.
Faceless Stranger said:
I watched House of Saddam, a docudrama from the UK and got an idea of how Iraq was before the first Desert Storm, and how coalition sanctions ruined that country, and I have no sympathy for the occupiers.

This statement makes me scratch my head. Do you mean, you have no sympathy for the poor sucker who joined the army and got shot, never really understanding why he had to go somewhere and shoot people and get shot at, or the old rich person that ultimately sent him there? Which person/group? Both. neither? You must understand they are different and discrete.

I don't have any sympathy for the bloodless bastard in a clean, air-conditioned office that decided that people needed to die for some terribly important if obscure reason. Both for when Saddam decided to attack other nations and for when we decided to play Iran and Iraq off one another, setting off an orchestrated blood bath. There was a US official that said that the only shame in the Iran-Iraq war was that BOTH sides couldn't lose. Those are the people I have no sympathy for, and who are receiving no justice now. When in history are the young soldiers buying plots of land to blame for being sent to die in some foreign country?
The soldiers don't invade countries by choice, so no I don't mean them, the occupiers are the ones that give the orders and use the military as their muscle to do so, i.e.
the bloodless bastard in a clean, air-conditioned office that decided that people needed to die for some terribly important if obscure reason.
Faceless Stranger said:
The soldiers don't invade countries by choice, so no I don't mean them, the occupiers are the ones that give the orders and use the military as their muscle to do so, i.e.

Lazarus Plus said:
It isn't "American idiocy" it is the idiocy of a small group of people. That's all it has been. Who makes the decisions? The American people? Fuck no. I live in a state, one of many, where police have violently broken up peaceful demonstrations in the street. Major news media talking about it? Not really.
Strange enough it is not really anything new when we talk about "wars" started by a "few" ...



Stoatblood said:
While the last troops finally left Iraq on Dec 18th, I myself was pretty happy. Sure we're still in Afganistan, but isn't this still a plus?
This remains to be seen.

Only the future can tell us this. Its not the first time a force like the US is leaving a place. For the better or the worse ? Only time can tell.

But what is sad is when you do a record about the whole situation.

1. The reason for the war was non existent and/or a fake. People even today have no "real" reason for the war. So the people somewhat died for a pointless reason. No weapons of mass destruction. No nuclear programm. The Smoking gun was a lie and those who still believe in it are either to naive or have no clue about the situation.

2. Nothing has really changed. The Iraq is in some areas as hostile or even more dangerous then before the war. And the future of the nation is still not certain. Particularly the economic situation for the common people has not changed that much.

So what has the intervention actually really achieved ? THe reason for the war was poignant. The effects of it are not justyfing the whole situation.

If you ask me Bush and a few others which have been behind this whole situation should face a trial. Not only did they lied to their people they willingly have sent soldiers into that meat grinder for years.