We covered the odd nature of the Writer's Guild Awards when we posted on the nominees, and now if you want a bigger picture on why these awards mean nothing, Variety explains.<blockquote>A number of the year’s best-reviewed and bestselling titles weren’t even submitted to the WGA. The companies behind games including “Grand Theft Auto IV,” “Dead Space,” “Call of Duty: World at War,” “Mirror’s Edge,” “Far Cry 2,” “Lost: Via Domus” and “No More Heroes” all confirmed to Daily Variety that they didn’t send a copy of their script and didn’t have credited writers join the guild’s videogame writers caucus -- the two rules for eligibility.
Some of the year’s top games, such as Valve’s “Left 4 Dead,” were also ineligible because they didn’t have a specific “written by” credit.
Companies wouldn’t comment on their reasons, but many industry insiders blame politics. Vidgame publishers don’t want to support the guild in its effort to represent videogame writers (and even, potentially, developers as well). The WGA has only an optional contract for its members who work on games. SAG and AFTRA do have contracts with some vidgame makers but have failed to win residuals for their members (SAG’s last contract expired Dec. 31 and has yet to be renegotiated).</blockquote>Essentially, no one is competing, and Fallout 3 will win.
Some of the year’s top games, such as Valve’s “Left 4 Dead,” were also ineligible because they didn’t have a specific “written by” credit.
Companies wouldn’t comment on their reasons, but many industry insiders blame politics. Vidgame publishers don’t want to support the guild in its effort to represent videogame writers (and even, potentially, developers as well). The WGA has only an optional contract for its members who work on games. SAG and AFTRA do have contracts with some vidgame makers but have failed to win residuals for their members (SAG’s last contract expired Dec. 31 and has yet to be renegotiated).</blockquote>Essentially, no one is competing, and Fallout 3 will win.