What’s your ideal post-New Vegas game?

1. I'm uncertain how I feel about the world moving forward. At some point the Fallout series (in an ideal timeline where Bethesda weren't a bunch of complacent hacks) the world has to, yknow, recover. It has to basically end. It has to be "saved" from the post-nuclear shit and go into a new norm. But have we earned that yet? With FO1, 2, T and NV? I don't think so. I also think it is a waste to jump to the finishing line. Which is why I hated how Kirkwhatever ended The Walking Dead comic. FNV on the other hand does show that we are nowhere close to the world healing however. Some nations are popping up but there are still interesting stories to be told within those.
Never finished the Walking Dead comic, got into it but I stopped around like 2010 maybe? Not long after the show started airing. So I've no idea what happened.
But yeah, I agree, we aren't where we need to wrap things up but if we keep following a specific area and/or group's expansion then we'll end up in one of two places: a faster finish line or a silly world where no one can ever seem to gain a foothold.
Companies don't want to wrap things up, I get that. I'm just saying that instead of writing in excuses to prevent a restoration to a larger civilization that can maintain order, you can just instead explore the rest of the entire Earth instead of spending the timeline going forward 120 years between a few states lol.

New Vegas definitely wouldn't be a close to the end type of deal but I guess I just see it as a huge stepping stone into the direction that if it's the NCR winning, they have enough resources to start backing up what they've expanded outwards to and can start stabilizing to the point where Khans are a thorn in their side not an adversary and the Legion probably won't be able to properly take them on in the near future. If the Legion wins, they start to bunker down as well and create an actual empire that can contest the NCR. If House wins, both Legion and NCR don't get something they've expended a lot of manpower and resources to capture. If the Courier takes the dam and Strip, then similar to the House but who the fuck knows what happens but it ain't giving electricity, land, and water to either NCR/Legion.

I guess part of me also wants new factions that could rival these mini-nations to be explored first before they pop up. My memory about this could be inaccurate so grain of salt: what we knew of Legion in Van Buren Fallout 3 is that they exist, they were going to be there but not a focal point, then in a sequel game we'd see them again in a larger form and they'd be contesting for control of the dam.
It'd just be nice to see some other small civilizations expand like we saw the NCR do before we get to the conflict between them and other civilizations on the scale that demands war. The way development played out, instead Legion just shows up and we hear about what they did in Arizona and nearby but they've already established control and assimilated tribes. And their content got the short end of the stick for the stuff they had to cut in New Vegas lmao.