What 5 things would you bring to a desert island


It Wandered In From the Wastes
If you were to be on a desert island with only 5 things, what would you bring? By the way, don't refer to this as a horrible situation (so don't say I would bring a boat because then I can get off!), refer to it as a peaceful desert island/and a break from life that you've wanted for a long time and that you can get off of after 2 weeks or so. Assume that you can find food and water on the island as well.

For me, I would bring a copy of Robinson Crusoe. A camera with full battery. A play by Shakespeare. My Ray-Ban sunglasses. My iPod.

And here's an image of a desert island to get your creative juices flowing:

A blonde woman, a red headed woman, an asian woman, a polynesian woman, and an african woman; all eager to make me happy. Who would want to leave?
Five different people who made stupid forum games. Then I'd let them loose and hunt them Rambo style.
First thing,a big knife (Crocodile Dundee Style) ,long rope,some booze,my animal instinct and my son to show him some stuff.
refer to it as a peaceful desert island/and a break from life that you've wanted for a long time and that you can get off of after 2 weeks or so. Assume that you can find food and water on the island as well.
In other words, what would you bring on two-week seaside vacation?
DexterMorgan said:
refer to it as a peaceful desert island/and a break from life that you've wanted for a long time and that you can get off of after 2 weeks or so. Assume that you can find food and water on the island as well.
In other words, what would you bring on two-week seaside vacation?

Haha, I guess my question came out in a wrong way. I just wanted others to visualise it as a desert island of beng peaceful and tranquil. Hence the reason why I said that you can get off and that there is food there.
brandonhart61 said:
Sabirah said:
two weeks worth of food, a water bed, a nice hut, and a pigs head to ward of the beast :P

Lord Of the Flies is seriously one of the best books ever written :D

Indeed. But heart of Darkness said what it was trying to say better
Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh, Paul Ryan, full loaded HK416 and some cocaine to help me move the bodies to the ocean.
1. a giant luxury yacht with a speed boat, jet skis, scuba gear, a helicopter, and provisioned with everything I could ever want.

2. an all female crew

3. see #2

4. see #2

5. my favorite gun safe
I've always wanted to bring this up.

Everyone always says "a desert island", but the thing they think of is a tropical island. I believe the idea started with "a deserted island" which someone became "a desert island". No offense to the brandonheart who I'm sure heard it many times previous from others.

As for me I'd just want:

1. Food Supply

2. Water Supply

3. Knife (to make stuff)

4. Laptop with e-books on primitive crafts to pass the time with the knife

5. A Telescope since living in modern times in most areas means missing out on the stars.

The Vault Dweller
Well, since it comes with food, water, and it only lasts two weeks...

I'd bring sunscreen, sunglasses, a multi-tool, flippers, and a snorkel mask.
A new ipod to fit all my music

at least two books in my collection I haven't read yet (Against the Day by Pynchon, Under the Dome by King, and Ulysses by Joyce come to mind)

A girl, for obvious reasons

One of my closest firends, so I can get away from the girl when she gets clingy

and a fishing rod to kill sometime
The Vault Dweller said:
I've always wanted to bring this up.

Everyone always says "a desert island", but the thing they think of is a tropical island. I believe the idea started with "a deserted island" which someone became "a desert island". No offense to the brandonheart who I'm sure heard it many times previous from others.

As for me I'd just want:

1. Food Supply

2. Water Supply

3. Knife (to make stuff)

4. Laptop with e-books on primitive crafts to pass the time with the knife

5. A Telescope since living in modern times in most areas means missing out on the stars.

The Vault Dweller

Good point. A desert island is better than a dessert island though. :)

Oh and my list would consist of:

1) My girlfriend.
2)A pound of pot
3)My indian hatchet- Can smoke out of one end.
aboniks said:
A whole pound for just two weeks?


It's a vacation! Might as well live it up! In real life I couldn't afford a pound, so I am splurging on this hypothetical.